You too can take pics you're never happy with but others love!
Only 3 things to do for passable pics. Clean the glass inside and out. Turn the lights in the room off and close any window coverings. Then attach your Orphek or similar lens kit to your phone and snap away using different lens combos to get the result you like. I'm never happy with the vast majority of my pics because the color never matches what I see. Attached the latest full tank shot of the 75g too.
Only 3 things to do for passable pics. Clean the glass inside and out. Turn the lights in the room off and close any window coverings. Then attach your Orphek or similar lens kit to your phone and snap away using different lens combos to get the result you like. I'm never happy with the vast majority of my pics because the color never matches what I see. Attached the latest full tank shot of the 75g too.