
the next LE leather coral

heres the real prize that was on the LE leather piece ;)

i shoulda scooped it up the first day but i figured the fools who were manning the SW section wouldn't sell it to me. i came back a few days later and the coral lost alot of color and tissue. it's a very nice piece, blue base with extremely bright red polyps. reminds me of the superman monti but the red polyps extend much longer.



i fed it oyster eggs the other day and it responded very well. does anybody have an ID for this coral? there are clear tentacles/sweepers between the red polyps that sway around also. its soo weird!
lol thanks lyn.

neyugn, i think it might be a small polyp goni. what throws a curve is the small clear tentacles that extend between the polyps.

i haven't observed many small polyp gonioporas. i might take a trip to the LFS that has some and see if this could be a small polyp goni. alveoporas are usually larger polyp yes? i haven't seen any small polyp ones before..
this is what it looked like the first day i saw it. same color too, blue w/ red.|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318

the polyps extend at least 1/4"