CoralReefer (Mike) was over yesterday and we made some decision. He looked at the space. Since I am going custom, we decided a 55"x20"x24" tank with an internal overflow box is a good compromise for the space.
I will go with a 48" hybrid ATI T5/LED fixture and use my two existing Rapid LED Coronas. That will save me a lot of money on lighting.
We talked about the plumping. 1" is probably fine. This tank is ~115G so 10x is easy to hit with 1" plumbing. The question is around how to keep it quiet.
Here is what I am thinking:
Design the system for ~2000gph to give me headroom.
1" siphon (~1,700 gph at 24" and full siphon (
1.5" open drain (should get the other 300gph here and still quiet, I assume more if the return pump pushed it, but will start to get noisey)
1.5" emergency drain (2100gph ?
2x 3/4" returns (~1400gph max each
I also need ~20" of linear overflow to handle the flow (actually, less, but that is reasonable: That should be easy with the center box and the 5 holes for the bulk heads for these dimensions.