High Tide Aquatics

Thomas' 29G TruVu

Post frag swap and CFM pictures. Got a few montis I'll try to keep alive plus a purple and green hammer and big micromussa lord at the Cali Kid swap. Then a hellfire torch, a greenish tip gold tentacle hammer, plus a blue/green tip octospawn from the CFM (thanks to @FullerReef for babysitting them!)

Photo with high actinics and blue filter (Josh's hammer to the left of the new one) :


And an updated FTS under more white light:
Well the new Pink-Streaked Wrasse from Kenny is finally starting to come out when I'm near the tank:


Very curious and interesting fish. It moves almost like it's frozen in time for a few seconds then resumes. Eating almost anything that I put in here as well as microfauna. I was worried because I dropped it on the carpet when transferring from the bag to get out the medicated water, but it's very active now.

Updated FTS under white light:

And actinics:

I also started with Fauna Marin Bacto Balls to try and bring down my nitrates from 25+ to closer to 10. So far the skimmer has been pulling out a lot of material but my test kit really can't tell between 25 and 10. I got some Tropic Marin trace elements as well to start dosing slowly until my next ICP test as well.
You have chaeto refugium
Yeah I've noticed that it's really starting to take off now that the other hair algae is gone. Here's a picture of the sump:
Center section is the refugium with chaeto and some rubble. I have a gfo and carbon reactor plumbed into a T off my return pump with a gate valve that I control the flow with.

Just hoping now that the wrasse will keep the red flatworms at bay since they ugly up the sand pretty bad.
For the flatworms in the sand, I would syphon everything out where they are. Make a strong current in a bucket, and pour most of the water with the suspended flatworms through a sock. Then the sand can go back in the tank. Or add new sand back. Or you can use my method and ignore them :)

I never found my wrasses to eat them much, but mine are never hungry.
11/4 update:

Moved the pintail wrasse into my new dentist's 90G as an "office warming" gift and it seems to be a lot happier in there with the other random wrasses. The pink streaked wrasse definitely is out a lot more now due to less aggression and actually is one of the few fish that will comfortably turn its back on me that I've ever seen.

Switched my MP10's into anti-sync gyre and they're a LOT quieter with a really nice "washing machine" flow that Jake Adams used to say. Compared to reef crest or lagoon, there's so much less ramping up of the motors. Also got the second urchin wide flow guard on. New phone as well so photos with orange filter:


Bactoball addition and trace element dosing seems to keep my skimmer running a lot more wet, plus my LPS are finally putting down new skeleton and growing flesh. The Reef Labs ICP test really was right on this one for certain metal deficiencies.

So moved the clam up top to get more light since it was only calcifying a bit. Also picked up a coral I've never seen before at Aquatic Collection on Saturday. I've seen tongue corals that were green or brown, but never neon orange:

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Wait sorry this:

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What does it mean for a clam to calcify a bit? Is that good? Bad? I just picked up a Maxima Clam to gift to my dad for his birthday!
What does it mean for a clam to calcify a bit? Is that good? Bad? I just picked up a Maxima Clam to gift to my dad for his birthday!
It wasn't depositing much new shell on the dorsal scutes so I wanted to make sure it was getting like 250+ PAR and not starving. You want to see lots of white fresh shell under the mantle when it closes up a bit.
Yeah there's definitely lots of red planaria. I've had them for like 15 years but I've been vacuuming them lately. The wrasse doesn't seem to eat them so no natural control of yet.
If may…
I would definitely irradiate the red planarians
nuke them with flatworm exit
it may take at least 3 treatments over a couple weeks
have enough water on hand to do at least 50% water changes and dose carbon after each treatment
do it!
you have put significant funds into your livestock and they are depending on you to keep them safe

I’ve been there…save the livestock!