High Tide Aquatics

Thomas' 29G TruVu

Maintenance day. Swapping out the Phosguard two weeks ago brought down phosphates to 0.20 ppm pre water change.

Returned Kenny's Wilsoni after it recovered in my tank over two months:


Added a new clam which promptly got a welcome to the family bullying by the urchin:

Swapped out the peristaltic tubing for my kalkwasser pump (reminder to do so for anyone that hasn't in the past year or so).

Did a full skimmer clean out. And swapped out the return pump on the other nano.
Was home for Thanksgiving and got to do some work on the tank. Mostly trucking along, but last time the Walt Disney from @derek_SR RTNed after falling behind the rocks for who knows how long so I tried to save it. Two frags and the little glob on the tile survived.


Lost my POTM winner Wilsoni too which sucks. The baby clam died after the rocks flipped over and buried it in the sand too. The lack of water changes probably isn't helping after going from a consistent weekly schedule to maybe a month or so. Everything else looked good so I fragged a few things to bring down to the CADE.


I submitted some water to aquabiomics awhile back to make sure my fish were disease free before moving any of them, but it's been weeks with no results still. I also did a Triton N-DOC test based on what Salem had been mentioning about low water change and high macroalgae export tanks and dissolved carbon. Basically got low to normal dissolved organic and inorganic carbon and a ton of phosphate showing up from overfeeding. The results here for phosphorus show zero but in reality they're very high (>0.9ppm per Hanna). https://www.triton-lab.de/en/showroom/n-doc/19324
I’m kind of skeptical of my triton NDOC results too. Both of mine showed low DOC although one was sent immediately after light feeding and carbon and the other after a long stint of heavy feeding and no carbon at all.
Both of mine showed low DOC although one was sent immediately after light feeding and carbon and the other after a long stint of heavy feeding and no carbon at all.
Could bacteria have consumed a significant portion of DOC during transit? Never used N-DOC kit but am very curious.
Could bacteria have consumed a significant portion of DOC during transit? Never used N-DOC kit but am very curious.
Maybe? I doubt it though since I didn't leave any air gap in the falcon tube and most of those bacteria are aerobic. They would have run out really quickly.
Finally got my Aquabiomics results in. Samples were collected from my overflow and return nozzle as suggested.

Pretty huge number of different organisms but zero fish/clam parasites (yes you can have a cryptocaryon free or mostly fish tank!) which is surprising for a tank that has 20+ year old fish. Quarantine or partial quarantine does work.

Thought the flatworm numbers would be higher, but amusing to see the high dinoflagellate % despite zero visible mats or films. Very diverse as expected though.

The microbiome test showed a high diversity score, but lots of Vibrio. Again no fish or coral disease presenting currently.

Traces of SCTLD but below the average. Really odd there's no pelagibacteraceae.
Slowly shutting down this tank as I move things into the new CADE. The yellow wrasse is doing great in the new tank, along with all the tester corals. Had my own fragging workshop after the actual one at @Arvin R 's (the new blade was so much better btw).


Cut up all my micromussa, remaining torches, and my fimbriaphyllia to have backups and things for the swap. Check out the growth on @tribbitt 's splatter hammer nubbin from last June, I've never had one encrust down the plug before:


Heavy dipping in Reef Primer to keep out the planaria. Looking good so far.

I put in a bunch of phosphate pads from the free table last week that got things down to 0.38 ppm. Nitrates are 12.5. Alk creeping up to 8.9 after removing/losing some corals. That makes my N to P molar ratio 50.3 in the good range now. Looking back when my tank was awful looking in photos and I couldn't keep any new corals alive, the ratios were really high at 200+.