
Throwin shade?

Is this what can happen to coral in shade zones as a coral grows?

What to do? Cut the bleached bits off (before it gets like this) as frags and DBTC before they lose too many polyps?

Or maybe something else?

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Pretty sure you are correct about what’s happening. Unless you want to add more lights to help with getting in from different angles. You’re gonna have to deal with it. And to be honest all the lights in the world won’t stop it from happening completely. It is how reefs are built after all.
You can snip off the dead shaded parts if you want. Doesn’t matter to the coral either way. This is why people often get more lights or T5/hybrid setups, less shading.
+eleventy on snipping off dead portions. You're not trying to grow a "reef" in your tank, so get rid of coral skeleton that really only will serve as a place for algae that you don't want to grow onto.

Of course this can be problematic for certain species that are tougher to snip because you might end up breaking off the whole colony minus the small base on the rock (don't ask me how I know this)

but yeah, an even bathing of light is good, but it's not a panacea fix, it absolutely helps on laterally caused shading but not on vertically caused shading, i.e. what was shown.