got ethical husbandry?

Time for a new bulb!

Well I have had a 14k hamilton 400 watt on a magnetic ballest for about 6 months now. I do very much like the color of the bulb and some of the corals really seem to pop under it, while others seem a little on the dull end. Also it seems like growth is pretty stagnet. Has any one had great success with these bulbs or should I switch. My main focus is on growth rate's of the coral right now. My water peramaters are very consistant and almost on target. The halide is on for about 8 hour's a day with not atinic's. Could any body chime in with a better bulb combo with the magnetic ballest I have or make some recomendations.
90 cube
luminarc reflector
magnetic ballest 400 watt
alk 9-11
cal 390-425
temp 80.5 night 81.5 day
nitrate 1-2.5 ppm
phosphate undetecable wtih the test kit I have, using a reactor with rowaphos
Well the problem with those bulbs that have that bluish tint to make colors pop (12k to 20k) is that they really do take a hit on the intensity. If you don't use actinics then that really leaves you on the short end of the yellow colored water for 10000k bulbs as well.

I personally like 12k reeflux bulbs, but I run them on an electronic ballast, I have tried their 10k bulbs too and while not as yellow as most 10k bulbs, they don't get that 'pop' from fluorescing colors, but are about 50% brighter. If you could fit some small t5 or PC actinic bulbs next to your reflector that'd probably be the best bet mixed with a 10k bulb, however if not, stick with a bulb you like in color, and dont worry so much about growth rates.
Well 10k I was affraid of shocking the coral in the tank causing rtn. I do have atiinics I could throw over the tank but just trying to save power.
the color spectrum switch won't shock the coral too much however you're correct that the added intensity will probably do that, hell reeflux 10k bulbs are almost 50% brighter than 12k bulbs, but you can always adjust for this by putting sheets of screen material over the tank and slowly removing one at a time to let them adjust.