
to syphon or not.

I want to get some opinions on whether I should continue to syphon my sand beds. 2 different tanks, both have 2-2 1/2" beds. One has a goby, both have nass snails. I haven't syphoned either tank in 2weeks.
Me: I siphon the very top. Basically at full strength, siphoning detritus/cyano/algae off the top.
Really only done as needed, when it is not looking so great.
It also commonly removes a bit of sand as well, which I wash and replace.
I tend not to disturb the sand bed much beyond that.

As to that being best - really hard to say.
I am rather curious as to other opinions as well.
I'm probably gonna get yelled at here, but I sift my sand with a turkey baster every water change. Right before I start pulling water out, I blow the sand (yes, all the way to the bottom) and get the tank real dirty. Then suck out 80 gallons and replace. Once in a blue moon I will siphon the top, if it seems like the detritis has built up.

Please keep in mind that I have a 4" sandbed in my fuge that I do NOT touch. I have Nassaurius snails only in there. This routine keeps the sand looking good, and no worries of any gas build up in the display.

If you are interested in this approach, but havne't ever done it. I recommend doing small sections of the tank..... ie.... do a 10" square area one week........then do another the next the area you did first.......until you have done the entire tank over time. Then keep it sifted regularly. If you have a tiny tank......don't do 10" should be relative to the tank size.

Let the yelling begin!! ;)
No need to yell, if your sand bed isn't particular deep, or you regularly blow into it then there's not going to be any anerobic areas that build up and all is good.
I've never had any issues when I've siphoned my sandbed. I did it only in certain places and just some of the top surface so I ended up only getting about 1-2 cups of sand from a 180, hardly enough to make a difference.
I stir up my 2 1/2" sand bed regularly also. You can try Tony Vargas's method of rubberbanding a plastic fork at the end of the syphon tube to get built up detritus also.