
Took some members to shoot archery


Supporting Member
Can you tell who they are?
Can you rent equipment at places like this?

I would really like to try it out.
In SF, yes the archery store can rent to you. Its like $40 a day. This is in golden gate park where you need to bring the gear too.

In Daily City, the shop/store has indoor range that they rent too.

More if you need a lesson.
Very cool! Let me know the next time you go! Need to dust off my compound
You would come all the way up here Vincent? Cool. I always shoot in SF, but Pacifica and San Jose have ranges I never gone yet too. I have a compound that I cant draw anymore. need to workout again.....was set to like 45lbs
You would come all the way up here Vincent? Cool. I always shoot in SF, but Pacifica and San Jose have ranges I never gone yet too. I have a compound that I cant draw anymore. need to workout again.....was set to like 45lbs
Sure. Or you can come down to Bowhunters in Saratoga or Black Mountain in San Jose.
Here's a hint, the fat guy on the left, is me.

It's a trick question is that the girls in purple and maroon are my daughters, who have been to frag trades, but you wouldn't recognize from this distance at the back!
Oh and again, Thanks Arnold! Kids had a great time! I'm now considering if I need a bow now ...

Anything I can do together with my kids is worth tossing a few bucks at. They said they were willing to go do it again.
If people are wondering Garvin was the other member, and I teach at YMCA summer camp so I have lots of equipment. Been shooting since I was 14.
Hi if you are going to the fragging demo this sat, I plan to archery afterwards if you want to come lmk. I can rent you equipment probably too.