Reef nutrition

Tragic Power Loss!!!!

Just a positive suggestion on your corals losing skin:

Cut them down to the largest healthy pieces you can and separate them. Even a REALLY small piece can grow back. (I should show you the scraps I grew out from the BAR swap last year, one turned into one of my favorite pieces). Then, with the bad pieces coat the dying parts with normal superglue, not the gel, but the thin stuff. I've tried this many times with good success. I hope this helps and let me know if I can help.
Dyngoe is right. It takes very little to recover. Right now I am recovering an acan that is literally the size of a pod..a small one that you just see because it moves lol. Keep us posted :)
I can give you more snails in Feb. I know you said the Strombus were beginning to reproduce. Sorry about the disaster. :(
Most of my corals that were already established are doing fine now except for a couple of sps. Snails are fine and the frogspawn tree is fine as well! Thanks Lyn and Ed!
Hopefully I can just do an upgrade instead of focusing more time and energy on this 24gl nanocube. I already have the lighting(2 250wt hilides and 4 96wt actinics, and moonlights) and a big euroreef skimmer. Now I just need a tank and a sump! Lighting I have is 48 inches long!
Been waiting for my boy Danny (kurplunk) to break down his 135(which was mine originally) and set up his 150, but I dont see it happening in the near future!
Talk with FishnFst, he seems to have a small warehouse full of tanks. All you guys who've been around and are reading this know what I mean. ;D

As an owner of a 4' 120G tank I can say that I love it! I will never do a tank that is less than 24" wide again!
So, I did a big water change and have been letting my skimmer run a little wet as well as adding a bag of carbon. I took the carbon out yesterday and adjusted the skimmer back to regular mode. I have been doing parameter tests everyday since sunday. After my tests this morning I still have no spikes or rises in any area!!!!! Thank god. All my corals that were already established prior to the power loss are all back to normal now! Will start feeding again tonight! I've been dying to try this Oyster Feast!!! I also got the Roto Feast and the Phyto Feast!
Ken, i would try to have your tank settle down for a week before feeding it. Too much parameter changes in a short period might not be good for you tank.