Cali Kid Corals

Trapping a Klens butterfly in an estabished reef


So about 3 weeks ago I got a Klen's butterfly to deal with my aptasia infestation (which he made short work of) but the issue is that he is also found of my open brian, candy canes and acans (all of which have been moved to a temp frag tank).

However he needs to go. I found him a good home but I just spent the last 2 hours tearing down rocks and moving corals (causing massive damage in the process) and I still couldn't catch him.

So does anyone know a good way to trap a fish like this?

Have you tried making a fish trap? Get a 2 liter (clear is best). Cut the cone part off with a knife. Then cut the top portion of the cone off so that the hole is just big enough for the fish to fit through. Invert the cone and insert into the bottom portion of the 2 liter. Punch holes and use fishing line to tie the two pieces together. Now put the trap in the tank and anchor it with some rocks. Put food into the trap and wait patiently for the fish to swim in for the food.

Be patient because you only have one shot at this. After that the fish gets too freaked out to go in again. Goodluck
Yeah, I just heard from Steve at Lucky Ocean last week how Klein can reap havoc in reef so I stayed away. That guy knows everything, even when and where black tangs were coming in from.

Anyway, get yourself a fish trap or catch the fish late at night.
This one has actual been a god's send becuase he ate about 200 aptasia in 2 weeks BUT now they are all gone and I want to move my acan, candy cane and open brian back into the tank
I had a coral beauty that was fond of polyps so I had to get it out of my tank. Since I only have a 46g it wasn't too bad to take all the rock out, corner it with a large piece of plexy and net it but it wasn't easy. Good luck.
Klein in an SPS only tank, I'd probably go for, however my stony tank has quite a few "tasty" acan polyps, so no go :D

But then again I don't have 200 aiptasia (at least I HOPE I don't!) There really aren't many/any livestock aiptasia cures out there that won't eat some type of coral or another, and AFAIK there are NO fish ones that'll not touch anything.
You should definitely try a fish trap or DIY one. I had a lavender tang that would not stop harassing my wrasses (who knows why), stuck the fish trap in there, walked away and 2 hours later I saw him in there and lowered the trap door.
I have a fish trap you can borrow if you like. I can bring it to the BOD meeting, or you can pick it up somewhere before the meeting.
God you guys are so generous.

I have a DIY fish trap in there now, if he isn't caught when I get home I will see how I can get one from you.
Super sweet! I knew buying that would be helpful. You can keep it till the next meeting, or get it to Jim or drop it back on my porch. Just let me know!

funniset thing is I read this review of that same trap and they guy that wrote it was going off about how it was useless and a huge waste of money and everyone should just use the DIY method (which haddened worked for me for the last 4 days) and in 10 mins I had this guy safely trapped and now have him in my fuge (10 Gals) until I can trade him for coral or store credit.

He was great for the aptasia removal though............

There are a couple mods you can do depending on the fish. :D Mainly, you need to figure a way to get the fish to go inside, and that changes depending on the kind of fish.
Hey rich, do you think this can catch an adult Bandensis? =)

I got one left in my display and would rather take him out to throw in a horde of peppermint shrimps to do some aptasia killing before my next generation of cuttles are Big.
It might...'specially with some live food. Have you tried turning off your flow and using a deli container to scoop him up? They cant see the deli container. Maybe with some live food. I also have my collecting net you could try.
To be honest, I havent really tried. I was just wondering if a trap would work, since that is the least potentially destructive to the things in the tank. Ill need to find a good home for it and Ill give it a serious try. If I cant catch it, I may try a trap..
If you want the trap let me and roc know. I can prolly bring it to the city on tuesday.

If you catch him, he can come over here and get exy with my females. :D