
Trough ATO


Supporting Member
On a completely AIO, no overflow section, aquarium, how do people handle ATO? I've realized I've never done a saltwater tank this setup. Even my first one back around 2005 had an overflow and sump.

I have a giant 150 gallon trough my stuff is in right now. I'm planning on just putting the ATO directly in there, but it would have to evaporate quite a bit to register a water level change, and the refill would presumably be huge too. What do people do in this situation?
The amount of water that evaporates is irrelevant. It is the percentage that matters. Unless the trough is very shallow compared to the surface area I think a float switch will work fine to control an ato. I set up a small cube with an ato and the float switch appears to sense less than a 1mm water level change. According to an online salinity calculator that appears to result in a negligible change in salinity in my case.