High Tide Aquatics

Trying to decide on lighting for my 50 breeder project

I am trying to decide on lighting for my 50 breeder. I plan on having a mixed reef and definitely plan to have many sps in the top half and zoas on the sand.

I am thinking I have 3 options:

LEDS: I like the idea of LED's but I am not totally convinced yet and the cost to start up is crazy high. I have been looking at the AI units but for 550 bucks a pop it would cost about 1200 to start up because I think I would need at least 2 units (even though they rec 3). Are there other LED options that are better and/or cheaper?

T5's: I currently have retro's for 4x39w t5's. I miss the shimmer I used to get from halides but I like the color options of the bulbs. I know I would need to add at least 2 more bulbs to them to be enough light.

MH: I could do 2x150 and supplement with the t5's or get 2x250w and run radiums. I would need to buy either halide option. Do you guys think the 150s with t5's would be enough? If so what bulbs?

I'd like to hear your opinions as I have been having problems deciding what to do. Lighting is always a dilemma for me, the balance is hard to get right!
The T5 + Reefbright is a great idea.
Simple, quick, effective. Probably not that much shimmer though.

But if you really want full LED long term, my thought:
Start with TWO x 4 bulb T5 fixtures. Hopefully cheap/used.
Then when you have everything else set up, replace the T5 fixtures, one at a time, with DIY LED.
Going DIY gets to cost back down.
Doing one fixture at a time makes it simpler, allows some testing, and allows you to safely switch without shocking livestock.
I have the stuff for a 4x36" t5 unit other than bulbs and good reflectors so I might just start with that and add some reefbrites if I find them used or something. I am sure I can find another t5 retro for cheap as well.
Something I have a 4x36 "t5 units other than the reflective light bulbs and good, so I may be just the beginning, and add some reefbrites What if I find that they use. I believe I can find another t5 retro cheap.