Reef nutrition


man my captain always tried to limit out the boat as quick he could so we could jam back to the harbor :lol: Made me more money as a bait boy since when I first started (10-11 years old) my sole job was to limit out those who couldn't (for what ever reason).

BTW your boat looks like what I used to work on (Sea Dancer & New Holiday II). The NH 2 IIRC was from the SF Bay before we got it...until they blew a motor at Ano and we got towed home. Never was the same, but hey, that happens when you don't put them money into the boat. I'd have to jump on the stabilizers (I think that is what they are called) prior to every trip :p
AKA Trim tabs.
Nice work Gresham!
It sounds like NSA should be our boat for the future BAR fishing trip!
Maybe you could deckhand an make sure we all get limits. :bigsmile:
fishez4alivin said:
JAR said:
I was coming through the gate at about 4pm last night and you were going out!
Did you do an evening fishing trip? How was it?

No, I wanted to go fish a few drifts at Pt. Diablo, we ended up sticking a few halibut out there to like 25 lbs. I had my old deckhand aboard for his birthday party charter, we fished the Islands, then ran to Muir Beach for halibut, hit Angel Island for a few bass, then to Pt. Diablo for more halibut.
Yeah I fish pretty late, I try to give the customer a long day.

I vote for a BAR fishing trip on your boat!
It's nice to know you take care of your customers.
Any doormats at Muir?
JAR said:
AKA Trim tabs.
Nice work Gresham!
It sounds like NSA should be our boat for the future BAR fishing trip!
Maybe you could deckhand an make sure we all get limits. :bigsmile:

Yah, trim tabs. Toss the kid over board, he'll fix them. Oh 13 people rat nested at once(elephant seal at Ano every time!), give em to Gresham :( Gresham go yell at the old lady puking her guts out in the head....or...go fish her dentures out of the ocean with a gaf :lol: Great job, seriously. I was living the dream until school started again.

Sadly it's been so long I don't even have sea legs anymore. Besides, it was a lot easier back then. We could limit out a full boat in a couple hours over the canyon, or up at Ano if the canyon wasn't firing. No joke, the salmon used to jump in our boats. Had it happen numerous times in the harbor in fact. back when I was a kid........walk over the river on the backs of the salmon........far as the eye could see......this big!!!! :lol:
JAR said:
fishez4alivin said:
JAR said:
I was coming through the gate at about 4pm last night and you were going out!
Did you do an evening fishing trip? How was it?

No, I wanted to go fish a few drifts at Pt. Diablo, we ended up sticking a few halibut out there to like 25 lbs. I had my old deckhand aboard for his birthday party charter, we fished the Islands, then ran to Muir Beach for halibut, hit Angel Island for a few bass, then to Pt. Diablo for more halibut.
Yeah I fish pretty late, I try to give the customer a long day.

I vote for a BAR fishing trip on your boat!
It's nice to know you take care of your customers.
Any doormats at Muir?

LOL, we already had limits of rockfish and 17 ling cod for this small 16 man charter, I just wanted to catch some halibut for them. There were some at Muir Beach, but not as many as a couple of weeks ago. They were in tight to the wash rocks. That's standard proceedure out of our harbor, rockfish first, run in, and fish halibut/bass.

Gresh, the New Holiday 2, is now the New Huck Finn, it has 9 liter John Deere Turbo charged diesels and can top out at over 25 knots. The boat is in Emeryville also.

It is tougher now, before there were no depth restrictions, and no fish that were off limits. Canary Rockfish are protected, and must be released, even though their numbers have risen to the point that we catch them everywhere we fish. No more 50 fathom or more fishing, everythin has to be within 30 fathoms, last year it was 20....It can be a little challenging
NHII used to ~20-25 IIRC but I'm glad to hear she's still in service. Emo beat the crap outa that poor boat. Funny it's in Emeryville now, too funny.
Wow, I just looked at the terafin satellite picture, and there is a large plume of warm water that is directly connected to the main warm water that is way offshore....its the best I've seen in the past 7 could be epic...The Altimetry chart shows the very best area to fish to be the area just south of the 601 ;) Take a 171 degree bearing for 10.1 miles and it should be excellent fishing....Thats for today...tomorrow, it could change by 50
GreshamH said:
NHII used to ~20-25 IIRC but I'm glad to hear she's still in service. Emo beat the crap outa that poor boat. Funny it's in Emeryville now, too funny.
My bad, the NH3 is the New Huck Finn, the NH2 was sold and changed names to the Makaira, which was taken up to Fort Bragg and called the Tigerfish. The Tigerfish was purchased by Allen Chin, who Doug is friends with. That boat runs out of Half Moon Bay, and spends the spring out of Emeryville. I the NH2 was a 50 ft. Delta/Delta, that had raised bulworks, and bow, then it's the same. I believe it originally had Detroit 6-92's in it. The NH3 was originally built for Fred Marini, and was in SF, then Art Roby bought it and renamed it the New Huck Finn. He then sold it to the team of Don Wong/Jay Yokomizo, and is still owned by them today. The NHF is a 54 foot Blanchard I believe.

The NH2 was built for Fred Marini, then sold to a person in Santa Cruz, who you worked for Gresham, then Tim Zolinack bought it and renamed it Makaira, several years back, it was sold to someone who renamed it Tigerfish, he did extensive work to the boat, repainting it white, doing the inside, and purchasing the crab permit from Joey Marini's widow..Allen bought that boat.
That would have been Tom of Tom's fishing supply. He sold the business in the 90's (gas dock/tackle supply/NHII and Sea dancer). I knew the people who bought it from him (Shamrock Charters) sold of the NHII but I think they replaced it. Not a wise move down here since we're getting cut off from nearly all the grounds we used to use.

Are you going out for tuna soon? My buddy in Emeryville would love to go out. Only thing is he's whining about no large freezer :) I told him I'd help him, but he knows me to all. He used to deckhand in SC for the Stagnaro Brothers. We both grew up fishing the harbor.
Hey since your so dang good at this research, I'm looking for one of the deck hands from Stag., his name is Kris Victorino. He's also a custom rod builder (Vic's Sticks). :)
GreshamH said:
That would have been Tom of Tom's fishing supply. He sold the business in the 90's (gas dock/tackle supply/NHII and Sea dancer). I knew the people who bought it from him (Shamrock Charters) sold of the NHII but I think they replaced it. Not a wise move down here since we're getting cut off from nearly all the grounds we used to use.

Are you going out for tuna soon? My buddy in Emeryville would love to go out. Only thing is he's whining about no large freezer :) I told him I'd help him, but he knows me to all. He used to deckhand in SC for the Stagnaro Brothers. We both grew up fishing the harbor.

I am getting the boat ready to start running tuna trips soon...I typically dont start until August, but this year may be a little different. Unlike other boats, I have insulated totes, to slush the fish in, they are sashimi grade when we filet them up.
Summer of '96 IIRC was the summer we were catching salmon and albacore off of the jetty in HMB, they were jumping out of the water. I'd love to see that this year, it's been a while since I got sick of eating albacore :)
I just ate lunch and I'm hungry again now....

Gresh- Who was your Cpt. the last time you were on the NHII? I used to go out on that and the Checkmate out of Chris's in Monterey with Nick and Tink.
Emo (sp?). I forgot the other Captains name who did the Sea Dancer but sometimes they'd keep the NHII docked and only take the Sea Dancer out (slow days). In that case IIRC Emo was my Captain on the Sea Dancer. I did have the owner Tom as a Captain once, but he actually differed to role to my Grandpa so he could spend time fishing with my family (just my family out that day). My grandfather wasn't so much a hook and line guy as much as a net boat Captain (operated a fleet of boats) so he was just fine being the Captain. Tom was a great guy. He put a lot of effort into us Harbor Rats with free bait, putting us to work on the boat, showing us the ropes, etc. I couldn't have asked for a better first real job.
phishphood said:
I just ate lunch and I'm hungry again now....

Gresh- Who was your Cpt. the last time you were on the NHII? I used to go out on that and the Checkmate out of Chris's in Monterey with Nick and Tink.

I remember when I was a deckhand, and the owner of the boat, I worked on went on a salmon trip on the Checkmate. The Captain was Tinker, and it was the first year they implemented circle hooks for mooching. We happened to be on a charter that day, and everyone, except for me and my boss fished with regular J hooks. The deckhand was telling me that you cant catch fish with circle hooks. LOL, unknown to him, our boat was used for studies on circle hooks the year before, and they are pretty lethal if used correctly. That day we saw Tinker use his side scan sonar to locate the fish on bait balls. My boss was so impressed, he ordered one and had it installed....25K to get it installed, not the typical equipment found locally. At the end of the trip, the tally for the 15 guys was limits of salmon, with my boss landing 8, and me landing 10, more than half the catch, all on circle hooks...we convinced the crew they worked.

I can't seem to get rid of my albacore jones now....I just got a call, from a buddy, who does 4 pack charters. He told me he got an email from last weeks clients, telling him they went out with a small group of boats. This was up in Oregon, they fished 30 miles off the coast, between their group, they brought in 500+ albacore to the dock before 3pm, now thats good fishing!