Cali Kid Corals

tunze 5017 reads low water lvl


Supporting Member
hi guys so i installed my 2nd tunze 5017. the first one the power went out and when it turned back on it read low water. powered it on and off same thing. it was installed for a day. so i returned it and got another. installed everything seemed ok. turned the power off, turned on and everything good. so i walked past my tank this morning to see that the low lvl was on again and it had dumped 2.5 gallons of top off water into the tank. the alarm sits a bit higher than the sensor since its in a sump. its 2 days old. the sensor is clean theres no bubbles going into the chambner witht the sensor. im pretty pissed bout it. anyone have any ideas? thanks
Can you snap a photo of the sensors in your sump so we can see how you have it set up? Not sure if it’ll help but it might.
so the white part is the fail safe. the fill sensor is completely under water since it dumped the 2 gallons this morning
If the optical sensor is submerged and its reading low water, then there’s some hardware issue I think, especially if it was previously working correctly even just for a little while. I’d just contact Tunze customer support directly.

I don’t recognize the sensor mounts you have, looks different from my 3155 standard unit. The 5017 is the controller part only, not the whole setup, so that doesn’t tell us what the sensors are supposed to look like.
the black part is the sensor, white is the back up. in my pick the cord is attached to the sensor. mine isnt set up this way since its in a sump.
I see, so you have the optical sensor closer to the camera on a separate magnetic mount from the backup float sensor which is above water. Your setup looks good so it’s likely a hardware issue. Supposedly the optical sensors almost never fail, but it looks like either that or the controller unit.