High Tide Aquatics

Tunze Nano Doc 9002 replacement pump

Hmm so yesterday morning I had a scare. My tank was dead silent. Turns out the gfci tripped. The culprit is my Tunze Nano Doc 9002. The pump appears to have seized up. It did this recently and I had cleaned it out and though it was working okay again. I guess I should consider a replacement pump.

Seems those skimmers are discontinued, however, so I am curious what people have been doing to replace these pumps?

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Wouldn't an impeller replacement be sufficient? Or are you looking for alternatives?

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An impeller replacement might work. I'm not sure. The fact the pump trips a gfci makes me suspect it's leaking current some how. An alternative might not be a bad idea as well.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
If it's tripping the gfci, you might be right that there is an electrical short. Have you been able to replicate it?

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If it's tripping the gfci, you might be right that there is an electrical short. Have you been able to replicate it?

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This is the second time its done it. I'm sure if I plugged it in again it would trip. I'l try running it in a a bucket and plug it into another gfci in my appt and see if it trips.

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I cleaned up the skimmer and did a test on the pump in a bucket. It leaks 30v at around 35ma to ground. A typical gfci trips at 5-6ma, so I think I've found the culprit. I'm running it for now plugged into a non gfci outlet (I know I'm being bad). Time to figure out a replacement.

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If you need a skimmer to borrow, I have a 9004 I'm not using. Or a CADlights PL50 Elite sitting in a vinegar bath.

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Thanks for the offer. This one seems to be running okay for now. Haha although maybe i should worry more about stray current?

It looks like the 9004 is essentially the replacement for the 9002 then? How did you like it?

I haven't bought a skimmer in years!

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
I like that it surface skims which is great for an in tank skimmer. Seems to skim a little wet but I have not really adjusted it much.

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I like that it surface skims which is great for an in tank skimmer. Seems to skim a little wet but I have not really adjusted it much.

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Ah okay so its meant for sumpless tanks I guess.

I guess I should just see about a replacement or alternative pump for the 9002....

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Tunze does still sell replacement pumps. I need to figure out how to order one still. But its a step in the right direction.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
The 9001 and new series seem aimed at skimming in tank what with the surface skimming. What is the big change you've noted? My 9002 is pretty silent now that I changed out the air valve with my own.
I'll probably just get a replacement pump -- in a few years when we get a house I plan to upgrade to a larger tank anyways. :)
My replacement pump arrived yesterday. Kudos to Tunze for the quick shipping. It was a quick drop in replacement, and it seems to be working better than the old one. I guess the old pump was having more issues than I thought!