
Unsupervised Aquaria--Instructions to give when you leave town?

Thanks for all the great tips everyone. I'm definitely going to do a big water change, full water parameter testing and tuning and change carbon and GFO this weekend. I'm also going to do the divided pill container for fish food. Having a divided container will really help remind her whether she has fed or not and help with portioning.

Based on the advice here I've decided not have her feed the corals at all while I'm gone. I'm comfortable that they will be fine. I'm still a little unsure about leaving the anemones and duncan's unfed for ten days but I have been overfeeding them this week on the premise that this will help them last through their long fast next week. I'm still tempted to have her dump an occasional cube of frozen misis shrimp in for the anemones though realistically I know that the odds are high that they will get no benefit from it.

It will be fine...really. I just need to calm down and stop hyperventilating. :)
If it makes you feel any better, I haven't target fed ANY of my coral since I moved here (back in July). Only feed the fish. No nems but I do have some very happy duncans :)
Coral reefer said:
No, just sloppy and like to drip on peoples floors!

Dude at least you own that fact :)

I basically had to dress up in a clean room suit for numerous of my customers :( A drop on the ground would be the end of their world!!!
Those are the worst clients. Why put a Fishtank somewhere where you can't stand to spill a little water? I've got a couple like that too. Have to walk on eggshells. No fun
Some did go rather quickly but one there was no way... You can't get rid of the angel investor account.... his grants were the start up funds :)

Heh I just had a meeting tonight with that old service company. I'm revamping an install we did a decade ago. I finally get to do it my way. MRC Orca Pro II on the way soon, converting to LED, new RODI, new chemical and mechanical filtration, all new rock (Marco Key Largo) and a Profilux 4 head stand alone doser. This is the 680g COSA (Computer Operated Surge Aquarium) system I keep talking about from time to time. I'll do a "rebuild" thread once it starts moving faster.
$250,000 install initially (11 years ago)
Worlds first fully computer operated surge aquarium.
300g surge on a 680g tank. Drop from 48" tall down to 24" or so.
I have a fast growing duncan colony.

I almost never feed it directly. They mostl feed off the pellets and flakes I drop into the tank for the fish and crabs.