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Urgent: Looking for INTERCEPTOR

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I'm curious if maybe you're mag is higher than test would indicate and that's upsetting stuff? 1480 def at the high end and at the top of most tests I think? Also, I think mg is the most iffy test accuracy wise if the three alk ca and mag...
Mike I agree, I keep an eye on my dosing container so no chance of it being overdosed, also I tested mag twice to be sure.

I don't have the setup to do a 50% change so I'm doing ~35% after 7hrs followed by another 35 within 12hrs.

Alfred, yea I'm documenting everything and will post a summary if things go well.

Currently have the interceptor mixed and ready to go in 15min. Got all my crabs and big snails out. Skimmer and carbon out.

Fingers crossed!!!
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Mike I agree, I keep an eye on my dosing container so no chance of it being overdosed, also I tested mag twice to be sure.

I don't have the setup to do a 50% change so I'm doing ~35% after 7hrs followed by another 35 within 12hrs.

Alfred, yea I'm documenting everything and will post a summary if things go well.

Currently have the interceptor mixed and ready to go in 15min. Got all my crabs and big snails out. Skimmer and carbon out.

Fingers crossed!!!
This doesn't make sense to me. You look at the container so you know it wasn't overdosed, and you tested twice so you think the test is right? The number is high, almost too high, Lps are sensitive to mg, and mg kits aren't that accurate. I'd dose less mg and let that number come down to more like 1350-1400. Are you trying to have it super high?
Based on your point earlier "mg is the most iffy test accuracy wise", I just meant the test kit # could not be wrong cos I tested twice but I completely agree 1480 is on the higher side. I've gone up to 1550 in the past without any ill effects...

I typically add some Mag into my fresh saltwater mix cos my IO-RC mixes low in Mag, I might have added a bit more the last time... this 30gal (2x 35%) change that I'll be done by end of today, I didn't add any Mag so the # should come down to normal. I'll test tonight after the second PWC.

Update: Fishes alive, coral look ok (no RTNs), small snails are alive, everything looks good. I added the extra carbon, running skimmer, GFO, did the first 35% PWC. I'm going to do the second one later today and then add the inverts back into the DT.
Just because your test kit says the same thing twice doesn't mean it's absolutely correct. Maybe it said 1480 but that's really 1580, who knows.
Update: I did the second 35% PWC and let the crabs & snails back into the DT. I'm going to observe for a few more days and will update again if things worked or not.
Just to be clear the LPS issue is only with your new ones? Or are you existing ones now showing issues?

Out of the 4 LPS that was attacked, the favia has been in my tank for 4 months, the rainbow chalice & acan echinata I got from the regional frag swap, the chalice I got from ASD 1.5 weeks ago. I have a feeling it started after adding the ASD stuff.
Hmm, I've seen that before, but I attributed it more to water quality issues instead of invisible bugs I can't see. But I had issues like LPS releasing from the skeleton and other nasty things like that. Who knows though it could have been pests as well.
Hmm, I've seen that before, but I attributed it more to water quality issues instead of invisible bugs I can't see. But I had issues like LPS releasing from the skeleton and other nasty things like that. Who knows though it could have been pests as well.
We'll find out soon if it were bugs or something else ;)
I would not sweat high magnesium. I think it's unlikely for high magnesium to negatively impact LPS. Low magnesium on the other hand, is definitely a problem. I have run my tank at 1800-2000ppm Mg and still gotten excellent Acan and chalice growth, but that's just my experience.

I also don't know that pests/parasites are likely to cause what you're seeing. I hope the interceptor is helpful to you.

Honestly, I would be more likely to blame harassment and predation from your crabs on the tissue loss and recession you're seeing as the primary cause. The secondary cause at this point would likely be stress from all the changes and the use of interceptor in the display. Having a crab vacation may be your best option. Perhaps you can put the crabs in the sump for a few weeks and see if the corals recover.
Winfield, the interceptor was added to see if the melting stops, interceptor didn't cause the melting.

With the crabs not very sure. I only have a reef safe zebra hermit and a Halloween hermit. I feed them once a week too.