High Tide Aquatics

Vacation prep


I’m going out of town for 11 days this Friday. I have not cleaned my return pumps in 1.5 yrs. For the main one, I have a NIB backup. For the secondary, I do not.

Should I:
  1. Do nothing
  2. Clean both of them
  3. Clean the secondary and replace the primary
Not if I get there first!

I am almost in the same boat (except my vacation is further away)

If it isn't broken, and there are so signs of slowdown, I would leave it.

Keep the NIB one for an emergency, and have a slick union plumbing setup so it can be hot swapped.

That being said, if you have time to clean a pump and get it back on the tank, that is always a good thing. I just wouldn't do it <4 days till you leave.

Also, maybe we make a tank sitting network of trustworthy reefers?