High Tide Aquatics


I mean no room in my sump for an ATO
I currently use a bucket (next to my tank) with a small pump to move top off water from the bucket into my sump.
you don't have 2" in your sump?? In sump ATO is about that wide..
There is also a tank mount ATO if you don't have a sump...

Remote Top off tank?
Could be in another room.
1/4 in lines and 1 little wire.
Could be a problem if you live in a studio.(no other room)
I just got back from vacation myself. The person I had taking care of my tank really had no clue what to do. I left him some pretty simple instructions. I guess I had a problem with one of my pumps and he had to fix it following my step by step instructions over the phone. For some reason he unpluged my lights and replaced the wrong plug in the timer. For about 10 days he had the actinics coming on via the timer instead of the halides! I did a water change before I left in hopes I wouldnt lost to many corals. Out of the 45 corals I had I lost 18 of them!!!!!! Partly my fault for not having someone experienced taking care of my tank! I just dont know to many people in the club that well to ask them to tank sit for me. Especially since the people I do know live far away from me! I didnt want someone to go way out of there way to take care of someones tank they barely know. Anyways, my lesson learned was to try and have someone experienced as possible to take care of your tank! Maybe we should start up a vacation thread and people could help each other out with scheduled vacations. I knew I was going to lose some but didnt expect to lose 18!!!
ATO takes very little space. All it takes is enough space for a probe (or two). I have mine in the sump as well, and my sump is tiny. It's in the last compartment, which only holds 0.4g of water at most. All I did was weld-on two pieces of acrylic onto the side of the sump, and then used two aquahub sensors.

Hmm, didn't even see Steve's post...
Thanks a lot for the concern!
The most important corals I lost were the ones I got through dbtc and have yet to put them back in the program!

3 from Alve- 2 from Tong- 1 from Fishz4alivin
Monti Setosa Nuclear green poly Wannabe Mystic Probably Nodusa Monti
Yellow/green stag Steve Elias Stag
Blue Tortusa

1 from Otakuthugster 1 from Ray 1 from George
Photosynthetic gargorian Palmers Blue Milli Leng Sy cap

Also lost a meteor shower cyphestria, Tyree bali Tri color(from Ed), Cali tort, green and brown tort, A bi-color monti that I loved, a blue tenius, blue polyp birdsnest, watermelon favia, last but not least a atlantis monti cebuensis.
IMO, ATO is a must if you are out town for more than 1 day.

Another thing that you can do is install a webcam, those are easy to setup nowadays, and they are free too.