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vermetid snail puncture wound...not feeling so hot

SLOreefer said:
Ok, I got another shot yesterday. They shot me with Rocephen. I am now full of that stuff, taking smz/tmp ds 800-160 used for staph
and ciprofoloxacin which is used for marine bacteria as well as other things.

I also went to the lab for culturing and blood work. This morning the redness and tenderness seems to be a little better and the swelling may have gone down a little.

I have also been referred to an infectious disease specialist if things do not continue on the positive path. Thank you all for the well wishes! I will definitely be getting aqua gloves for rock work from now on!

Hopefully it keeps on going in a positive direction.

Great news! Hope it keeps going in a good direction and feels
All is almost well. I can men's my finger for the most part but it is still stiff and a little puffy. I think the antibiotic cocktail is doing its job and hopefully in a few days this will all be an afterthought. Well an afterthought with something learned, def need to wear gloves when messing with rock! After messing with rock for 15 years I never have had anything.g ever happen...guess I was just lucky.
Lucky if the infection had gone without any care; I've been kinda in your shoes and prompt proper care was the key to overcome the infection.
while I'm all about wearing gloves, I'm not sure even the heavy duty rubber ones would be sufficient for those damn snails, they're like the same width as those needles they use to take blood donations.
Is this a common snail in a fish tank? Sorry for the stupid question. I actually had to google it to see what it looks like.
I want to be extra carefull after reading this thread and want to know if I have any in my tank.
anathema said:
Yes you probably have at least 100 of them in your tank.

Way to creep the guy out... :)

Keep in mind they are sessile and build these tubes of death outward from the rock. I’ll bet some fish do eat them though ….mebbie tobies or other crustation crunchers
