
Vortech Pump - Who's getting one - Who has one?

because of the rock work, its pretty high for now about 2-3 inches, let me know if you want to stop by and see it.
I raced home tonight from work ;D vortech pump was delivered. I set it up, and it is AWESOME!!!

I had to crank the power down the Amphipods were swimming in the water column like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz - lol :D

It is at it's lowest setting right now as I don't really want the clown fish (my newest pair) to do any nose dives into the pump. Hee, hee I need - okay I want one another one for my 58g now. I will say will all the hoopla some of which I have joined in on ::) I am not so sure I really need a controller now. The flow is diffuse yet strong enough to move polyps (toadstool) around at the back of the tank. The flow is not as focused or concentrated as a maxi-jet either, but it does some serious water movement.