Hey guys...so I'm getting really excited since I was told my new tank should be done by the end of this week. But now I'm getting concerned about the weight issue again. I live in a relatively new condo in SF which was built primarily with concrete. I was reassured in talking to various people that my floors could handle the load of a 120 gallon tank. But I recently spoke to a construction buddy of mine and he is having serious concerns. He said the load for standard concrete floors in a building like a condo is 100 lbs per square foot. I would be well over that number if I assume the tank and water is about 1400 lbs. With a 9.2 square foot footprint, this comes out to about 152 lbs per square foot. And that doesn't even factor in equipment and stand. I'm guessing with a sump, stand and equipment, the total weight could be close to 2000 lbs. Trying to figure out if the wall it will be closest to is a load-bearing wall as this may help. But do you guys have any advice, concerns, suggestions, etc?