Cali Kid Corals

Welcome to the new members sign up from the CFM


Supporting Member
Here are the 10 new member sign ups from the CFM event. It was report 12 but I only confirmed these below.
  • I will only post up names and not emails.
  • If you see your name and already created your account please chime in with your handle.
  • I will send email address to our Web Master admin to activate your Club Acct as talked about at the event
  • If you see below and paid through Paypal, I don't have access to that acct to confirm. (I was not at the booth 100% of the time so I am not sure who went the Paypal route)

Please let us know if you have any questions and welcome aboard! :D

  1. Lauren Dwight (no record of Payment on log - need to confirm)
  2. Jae Woo Chang (Paid at event)
  3. Jeremiah Allred (Paid at event)
  4. Quinton Hoole (no record of Payment on log - need to confirm)
  5. Jeremy Hale (Paid at event)
  6. Chris Heger (no record of Payment on log - need to confirm)
  7. Angelo Rivera (Paid at event)
  8. Fransico A Ramirez (note says will use paypal)
  9. James Wargo (Paid at event)
  10. Edward Weidel (paid at event)

11. SGCHICK/Melanie Simpson - had question about her BAR acct. Not a member yet, but can someone confirm her guest acct is ok and respond to her.
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oops - update its hard to read some handwriting.

12. found one more - John Ortiz (No record of Payment) (justjohno)
Hello everyone. Edward W. here. Been following around everywhere on these forums, just haven't chimed in much. Glad to be a member. As far as my tank.. I'll post a pic in a bit since I can't upload from my phone... :(
Maybe this time it will work? Nope. Going through forums, not using Tapatalk. May have to get the app.

Pic taken with low color/high intensity.
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I updated his account, but I’m not sure how the payment and account status update works

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro