Neptune Aquatics

What are these things?


Supporting Member
Just saw these in tank. Looks like an egg sac but nothing in my tank has laid anything before.

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Interesting. I have no clue but hoping someone here can educate me as well. How big is the entire grouping? size of a quarter?
Size of a dime. It has moved into an alcove in a rock. Not sure if current moved it or hermit crabs dragged it. Weird.

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(Fish: all x1)
  • Yellow tang
  • blenny
  • chromis
  • cardinal
  • damsel
(Fish: x2)
  • Baby clowns (way too young to be knockin' boots). No way this thing could have come out of their little bodies.

Cleaner crew
  • ~6 small nass snails
  • ~5 hermit crabs
Taking a stab in the dark here. But have you had a frogspawn? From the right angle it looks like a tiny bleached polyp bail out of a frogspawn.
I am just getting into reefing and only have four small frags in my tank (none of which are frogspawn) but I agree they look very similar. When I bought my newest crabs last weekend I did not use the packing water in my tank (I know better than that) to put in my tank so should not be hitchhikers.
I've always say, "when in doubt, take it out" are you able to remove it safely and cleanly? maybe put it in a container and take a clearer picture. to me, looks like some kind of poly bailout as mention before.

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I've always say, "when in doubt, take it out" are you able to remove it safely and cleanly? maybe put it in a container and take a clearer picture. to me, looks like some kind of poly bailout as mention before.

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I agree. The only thing I could find that was similar from another forum was someone that had their bio pellets end up in their display and they couldn’t figure it out until they removed them from the tank and could feel them more
I agree. The only thing I could find that was similar from another forum was someone that had their bio pellets end up in their display and they couldn’t figure it out until they removed them from the tank and could feel them more
That reminds me, years ago I used Osmocote as a freshwater plant fertilizer. A couple forum members concluded I had fish eggs pretty quickly. Curious how they all appear to have a white tip in the same direction though. A picture in more neutral lighting would be interesting.
Dying bubble algae gets clear and can be in clumps, but I wouldn’t expect the white tip.