Neptune Aquatics

What does a healthy reef tank/water smell like?

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering what a healthy reef tank is supposed to smell like? Or is the smell of the tank/water not indicative to the overall health of the tank.

I come from a freshwater background and I am familiar with the earthy smell that a healthy freshwater tank is supposed to smell like. Over the years, a change of smell in my tank has alerted me to various problems such as blue green algae, ammonia spikes due to an unseen dead fish, etc.


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A fine question!
Your tank should smell no different from the new water you use for a water change.
It should smell like an isolated pristine tropical beach.
If it smells funky, it is funky!
Time for a water change
It should smell better than the SF Bay :D

That said, if you smell anything "metallic" in nature, i.e. that "expensive smell" cracked heater or other similar element... that's about the only smell that I can recall. Well ok.. there's always that empty snail shell that for some reason you may think "Hmm wonder what it smells like" and it's bad enough to gag a maggot... ok maybe that's just me :D
It should smell better than the SF Bay :D

That said, if you smell anything "metallic" in nature, i.e. that "expensive smell" cracked heater or other similar element... that's about the only smell that I can recall. Well ok.. there's always that empty snail shell that for some reason you may think "Hmm wonder what it smells like" and it's bad enough to gag a maggot... ok maybe that's just me :D
LMAO I just did this the other day and almost puked!
Tank smell is definitely a good indicator of what's going on. When I put my live rock in (shipped live) the die off gave the water a stank of death. Now that the cycle cleared it doesn't smell like much of anything. Maybe a slight ocean tinge.

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mine smells exactly like Neptune Aquatic... and Baja Reef... thats when I knew my tank was right! it didn't smell like garlic anymore lol... (long story, dont ask)
Interesting question. I hadn't thought about it. So what I just did was to go around and smelled my 3 tanks. No smell at all. At best you would only what maybe some salt smell. I agree with Kensington Reef.