DIY ones. Currently using cheap kamoer heads that I'm running via a Reef-Pi. I have sitting in my hobby pile the parts to build a 5-head one with stepper pumps. Just need a free afternoon and hopefully will have that all up and running.
From the bit of research I've done, I'm pretty confident all these pumps out there are just the same. All the companies appear to be using kamoer pump heads. Kamoer sells a bunch of different models, and most seem to be using the cheapest possible, $12 buying on Amazon, heads. Those are just small DC motors turning a 3 roller pump head.
There's nothing really sophisticated you can do with that. The calibration is just helping calculate a timer for running the motor for a certain number of milliseconds. The internals are almost certainly just a ESP32 style Wi-Fi controller, using all the stock ESP / around libraries.
The higher end, expensive, pumps use stepper motors. That means at least in theory it's more precise. Some also use pump heads with 4+ rollers, which means it can do smaller doses (the minimum dose is effectively set by the tube inner diameter and the distance between rollers). The controller is likely the same, but if they're quiet that means they're also using a secondary stepper controller (eg a TMC2208 silent drive controller). That's also likely why jebao uses the term "sine wave" on some stuff, because that's what those stepper controllers do to be quiet. There's almost certainly no innovation being done by jebao or others, they're just slapping together commodity parts.
3-roller pump head:
Anyway, what's my point beyond random knowledge that's not generally useful? I'm pretty sure all these are basically the same. Hardware features that differentiate are if it's a stepper or a dc motor (slight precision differences) and number of rollers (though almost all are just 3), and user experience.