Reef nutrition

What is a good Internal Return Pump?

Reefergirl.....what size tank are you going to be using this for? I love the eheims.....very quiet and very, very reliable. Not the most eco friendly pumps when it comes to electricity draw but it's not that bad unless you run one of the big boys.
I have had great success with Ocean Runners. They're comparable to Eheims and really cheap, especially on sale at Drs Foster and Smith. I used the OR2500 on my old 80 gallon.
Here are some links to other internal return pump suggestion threads

I have an Eheim 1260 and consider it one of my best tank purchases. It is super quiet, generates low heat, and has been super reliable.
I'd probably advise against quiet one pumps unless you absolutely need to go on a budget. While they do draw less watts, my experience with them is they tend to be finicky when power goes out and you need a restart.
In my order of preference

Ocean Runner
Quiet One
Mag Drive

With the Quiet One and Mag drive basically tied, the MAG is bulletproof, the Quiet one is inexpensive and tends not to heat the tanks up very much.
bookfish said:
Yeah, unfortunately Eheims aren't exactly cheap either.

Compared to the post above yours they're a steal! They also last forever :)

Look at it this way, several of my Eheims are over 10 years old. How many other pumps would you have gone through in 10 years? Never replaced an impeller on any of them either :p Now I have gone through a more tehn a dozen Mags, Maxis, etc since I bought the Eheims.

Far better then Ocean Runner. OR's have a fairly poor QA and also have numerous aging problems. They also tend to be not only louder then an Eheim, they also are over rated IMO on GPH, unlike Eheim.
Gresham, i agree 100% that Eheims are worth the price and the last thing I would want to risk my whole collection on is a cheap return pump. Let's face it, the difference in price between a cheap pump and an Eheim isn't even what you'd spend on one colony.
Yes, the Eheims are great pumps and probably a little better than the Ocean Runners... but to be clear, despite the fact that they are quite cheap price wise, I've found the Ocean Runners to be really reliable.
reefergirl12 said:
i might go with the ehiem 1262... were is the best price/place to buy one?

The 1260 at head delivers more GPH then the 1262 believe it or not. If you want more flow, go for he cheaper 1260 :)