
What is the best calcium test kit?

Bumping this thread because I've been getting different readings for Calcium and Magnesium from Salifert and Tropic Marin test kits. The most recent are:

Salifert: 400ppm
Tropic Marin: 452ppm

Salifert: 1290ppm
Tropic Marin: 1460ppm

Best before dates:
Salifert Calcium test: 12/2012
Salifert Magnesium test: 04/2011
Tropic Marin Ca/Mg test: 05/2014

From the last 3 test results, the Salifert kits are producing results consistently lower compared to the results from Tropic Marin's test. I'd still like to know which provides a more accurate picture of the water parameters in my tank, since according to one test I am close to the lower limits for calcium, while the other indicates the calcium is in a good place.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
I started a thread on this a year or so ago. Can't seem to copy and paste the url, though. Search "test kit" and it comes up. How do you copy and paste a url?
Just a note: don't waste money on API cal test kit, I though I try it because it is cheap, but after comparing it to the Elos, the API cal readings were way off.
I have tried both API and Salifert against each other, and they matched.
Maybe luck, but it was within the error of the test.
I stuck with API because the test is really simple, thus I test more often.

I do shake the reagents a lot every time before using, and wash vials + tops carefully.
From chem class, things like that can make a big difference.

Maybe someday I will drop the coin and go electronic.
Although I hear you have to calibrate all the time, so not sure if
it really ends up easier or better. Other opinions??
Quick update: I picked up an API calcium test kit since I needed a padding item to hit the free shipping threshold. Compared with a new Salifert calcium test kit, both gave the same results. I intend to continue testing with both kits simultaneously to determine how close they read, maybe Hanna will finally have released their calcium colorimeter by the time I settle on which kit has a more accurate midpoint.