Cali Kid Corals

What's worse than almost crashing your tank...?

Tony: Sorry to hear what had happened. Like everyone said, it could have been worse.
The GFCI may or may not work. In my case, I replaced my wall outlet with a GFCI outlet. Everything is connected to that. If there is a trace of water, the GFCI will trip. Now the bad part is if I am away from home and the GFCI trips, there would be no water flow, no heater or whatsoever. So there are pros and cons. If you have multiple outlets, it's probably best to have one with GFCi and one without.
I recall seeing an extension cord with built in GFCI, so that would probably work better.
Wow Tony, what a scary experience. I am so glad it was not worse.

When we left for the holidays, I only worried about power outages. I never thought about potential fire hazards. Definitely something to take a look at. With multiple tanks running, I definitely have lots of power cords all over the house. Yikes!