Cali Kid Corals

When do you test your water?

tuberider said:
I take offense to the dork thing, dinkis!

Sorry doodle!

No additional tests, I just do the correction calculations, buffer, change water and walk away happier than I've ever been, and I remain that way forever and ever.

Every time you do a water change, you are happier than you have ever been?
But you do test the new water and the tank right? I just test the tank, adjust, and then sit there horrified.
Thales said:

I was thinking about this a little more. I think when to test depends on what you are testing for.

If you are testing for toxicity, ammonia or nitrate, you test before to see if you need to do a water change. If you are testing for trace elements, test after a water change so you can adjust the values of what you want in the tank.

THIS is the post of the month......

I test the bucket of salt that I will be using on the tank, I use that bucket for water changes and buffer accordingly, for clients I use whats in the truck. It's much easier than lugging the bucket up and down stairs.

And yes, my happiness level continues to increase with every water change cupie!
I test Jeremy's tank before and after water tests and adjust mine accordingly :)
tuberider said:
No additional tests, I just do the correction calculations, buffer, change water and walk away happier than I've ever been, and I remain that way forever and ever.


If Water change
Then Happiness(post WC) = Happiness (pre WC) + X
Where X is a Real, Positive number


Happiness (Post WC Day) = Happiness (WC Day + Y)
where Y is a time in the real plane

Therefore you have done or can only do one water change in your life!!!

It's on a curve Tony that never heads downward, I continually am happier than ever ;) I will be that way forever, happier than ever, always rewarded with happiness.
The problem with testing your happiness with Elos, is that it's ownership boosts your happiness, while it's purchase makes you sad. It sorta nulls the results of the test. I find the cheap API with the BAR happiness standard to work quite well.
pixelpixi said:
I test during a water change.

I pump the new water in with one hand, siphon the old water out with the other, and take a water sample using my toes.

In a bikini I hope! :bigsmile: