Reef nutrition

Where will corals price go from here?

I believe everyone in this hobby notice corals price go up like every week. I understand demand and supply but really that much. I seen some Euphyllia that been around for a while and all the sudden they add “holly grail” in it and the price go sky rocket. Not only this, a lots of other coral price go up very high, too. Btw, I see holly grail Aussie torch for $750/head, holly grail indo torch for $1500/head.
Well there's one aspect of pricing that goes with COVID-19 and lack of flights over the Pacific, but that price increase is mostly going to be for fish and the corals not mentioned here. But it definitely is a buyer influenced market, if no one buys something with the name "Aussie" in front of it for the price that they do then they won't be that price. Unfortunately people do buy them, and the "named coral" market is definitely a seller's market these days it seems.

And yeah, sellers are very deceitful in that they blast something with a ton of blue LEDs and notice it fluorescing different, they take pictures with filters and what not, and say "that's the way it looks!" and people buy them. Then those people after that are less deceitful as they're simply trying to sell something for what they perceive is "market value" because it's what they paid for it.

But ultimately it's in your court, why aren't you happy with "orange digitata"? that's how you stay cheap in this hobby.
Depends on the time frame you are talking about.
Long term collection will be unavailable and or banned I would think. Captive prop or mariculture will be the only options at some point. The costs associated with those are going to be higher then regular collection for a lot of corals.
Short term who knows what will happen. I personally don’t buy in to the hype of what other people thing is cool or the fancy names and focus on affordable corals I think I can successfully grow, and find to be good looking. There seems to be no shortage of those
I do agree that some prices are way outta hand. For me I usually go for what I like ( not always a top dollar coral ) I am fine with no names as well. Not in this hobby to make money but to sit back and enjoy it
I saw a vendor post what the shipping is currently and it went from and average of 7-8$ per kilo to like 16-20$ in some extremes. This will of course trickle down and in the case of fish which need lots of water to ship successfully make them insanely expensive till that import cost comes back down.
I hear coral ship from Vietname does not has water, but instead the wrap with wet paper and put it plastic bag. Then transhipper will fill with water after they pickup from airport before they ship to final destination in US.
Not that I’ve ever shipped coral wrapped in a wet paper towel, but there is evidence it’s perfectly fine.

I have tried putting acros in a wet paper towel and a container for 8 hours to see if they lived and they did just fine.
I don't get it... You can wrap them in paper towel, dip them in all kinds of stuff, have them exposed to air for a while, move them from one tank to another and they are prefectly fine... Till one day you look at them crooked and they rtn.
I don't get it... You can wrap them in paper towel, dip them in all kinds of stuff, have them exposed to air for a while, move them from one tank to another and they are prefectly fine... Till one day you look at them crooked and they rtn.

On a serious note, to me this means that you are not providing something that the coral needs. Coral are very hardy, and will look fine until they don't.
I think coral prices will continue to go up because of laws, logistics, and marketing.

Laws: export bans and stronger environmental protections laws. I think this is a good thing, but it's definitely a factor in increasing prices.

Logistics: there are major issues with shipping and supply chains right now, which is going to causing prices to go up. Companies pass the costs onto consumers, but don't pass the savings on when prices go back down, so I think this will be the new normal.

Marketing: as you say, people like to buy 'named' things. The problem is there's no standard, it can be hard to confirm it's the 'real' thing (leading to dilution), and that there's no clear delineation between a 'new' thing versus an existing morph. Given this it wouldn't surprise me to see named corals rise in price (see: Aussie gold torches, and the climbing price of dragon soul) and rebranding of existing corals.