Cali Kid Corals

Where's Screebo?

Ten Four on the new Tattoo(s)
I've finished a 10" dia chest piece: Rick Griffin's "Flying Eyeball" Winterland poster designed for a 1968 Hendrix Concert, art only, no text and a second Rick Griffin piece on my lower back that's about 12" x 10" that's another tribute to 60's rock: psychedelic scarab holding the sun , "and" a left forearm mandrill baboon since I'm known to monkey around a bit. Chest and back HURT LIKE HELL! Arm was a cake walk. That covers most of my back and all of my front that I'm willing to submit to the gun. Talk about "Reverse Gorilla Nipples", that chest work gets within 1/16" of some very tender territory! I do plan to fill in most of the rest of my arms down to my wrist. Yeah, I'm an inky kind of guy and I was at the Hendrix/Buddy Miles concert. Buddy and Jimi did an album together that was great: A Band of Gypsys


Bill: A million thanks for your offer. :crown: I'll make room and plan to see you as soon as you are willing. I get off work about 3:30 to 5:30 depending on work load. I'm somewhat in between right now as they prepare some crash test cars for stuff I've already built. Just let me know if you might be home in the late afternoon this week. I'd LOVE to get some healthy acros and or millis back in the tank and help decide if I need to add just two more white RB strips. The sunset monti that's at the top of my reef has never looked so good as is all chalice at the bottom. I'm pretty close to back in business and I've increased the intensity of the Vortech programing in the Apex. Lots of water exchange and lots of water movement.
Hi Christina,
The setosa that Richard gave me has grown in leaps and bounds so I'm good there. Just branching coral at this point would be appreciated. That's what got the hardest hit by my oxygen deprivation. Never, never run your return pump through a chiller! Bad bad bad. Mine was plumbed that way for almost a year! Is a miracle that my SPS survived as well as it did. Of course, the LPS was in heaven with that nutrient laden water. Is tri color valida a type of onion? hehehe :bigsmile: