Cali Kid Corals

White sand or Black

Hawaiian Black or White sand

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if you go black sand... i suggest getting the stuff from Carribsea. I use in in my planted tanks and it's good quality.

Don't get the generic bulk stuff which happens to be by product of coal production and what not... that's pretty much glass and carbon bits which will scratch and potentially leach.
I had the Caribsea Hawaiian Black. It traps detritus and looks dull unless you keep it clean. I replaced all of my black sand with white sand (Fiji Pink) except for one spot where my neon green trachy contrasts against the black. I still have a small bag I might use on a future tank...but, again, only in limited spots for accent and not deep.
I had the Caribsea Hawaiian Black. It traps detritus and looks dull unless you keep it clean. I replaced all of my black sand with white sand (Fiji Pink) except for one spot where my neon green trachy contrasts against the black. I still have a small bag I might use on a future tank...but, again, only in limited spots for accent and not deep.
How do you keep it separate?
if you go black sand... i suggest getting the stuff from Carribsea. I use in in my planted tanks and it's good quality.

Don't get the generic bulk stuff which happens to be by product of coal production and what not... that's pretty much glass and carbon bits which will scratch and potentially leach.
I'm actually using the generic bulk stuff (diamond blasting sand) in my tank. I'll be sending off a sample for ICP testing in a few weeks -- I'll make sure to post the results here.
Side comment: If anyone is getting rid of black sand that you think could be magnetic, could you please save a couple cups of it for me for a school sand lab in the winter? I got two great samples of black sand, one from a tank and one from a beach, but neither is magnetic.
It is funny.
I was in Kings Canyon last week, looking down in the stream.
There was a section that was dark black, with lots of flakes of gold mica.
Typical "placer" deposit.
I was thinking that might look really nice in a tank...
Side comment: If anyone is getting rid of black sand that you think could be magnetic, could you please save a couple cups of it for me for a school sand lab in the winter? I got two great samples of black sand, one from a tank and one from a beach, but neither is magnetic.

I have removed most of mine but will start keeping what I collect. I should have you a couple of cups worth in a few months.
I have removed most of mine but will start keeping what I collect. I should have you a couple of cups worth in a few months.
Thanks! Actually, less would be fine. Learned my lesson last semester and will give groups a sprinkle of sand instead of access to a whole container.
Side comment: If anyone is getting rid of black sand that you think could be magnetic, could you please save a couple cups of it for me for a school sand lab in the winter? I got two great samples of black sand, one from a tank and one from a beach, but neither is magnetic.
Will test my sand in the tank i just took down and PM if it's magnetic

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