Neptune Aquatics

who doesn't QT their fish?

Some times I do but most of the times I do not. I feel bad seeing them in that small QT tank is depressing and I want them to have room to swim in the big tank.
I use different dips for different things, I used to rely on FW dips used the same way as Lap described. Lately though due to plague level proportions of flukes coming from one of our local wholesalers (not ASAP), I've been using Prazi Pro with pretty good luck.
I QT. Every fish I've gotten recently has had ich, so I'm really glad I do. I keep a little 5 gallon tank running at hyposalinity with a sponge filter and a heater.

I've also been keeping a coral QT tank, but my coral QT period keeps getting shorter and shorter. It's hard to keep water quality good enough for demanding corals in such a stripped down system. One other thing I've started doing is remounting new corals on clean frag plugs. The idea is that things like ich which can be transmitted on frags will be on the frag plug more than on the coral itself.