got ethical husbandry?

Why is this fish illegal in CA?

Only because it’s GM? Yet other GM produce and animals are allowed. The non-GM danio is allowed so it can’t be because they’re afraid it will get loose and multiply.

from wikipedia...

Sale or possession of GloFish remains illegal in California due to a regulation that restricts all genetically modified fish. The regulation was implemented before the marketing of GloFish, largely due to concern about a fast-growing biotech salmon. Although the Fish and Game Commission declined to grant an exception (solely on ethical grounds) in December 2003, it later reversed course and decided to move forward with the process of exempting GloFish from the regulation. However, due to the State’s interpretation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Yorktown Technologies was informed by State attorneys that it would first need to complete a study which could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and take years to complete. According to the company’s web site, they have thus far declined to undertake this study.[5]

Canada also prohibits import or sale of the fish, due to what they report is a lack of sufficient information to make a decision with regard to safety.
Genetically engineered pets. Reminds me of Blade Runner.

If they're going to do all that weird stuff, at least they could make the fish change colors so you can tell your water parameters.

"I'll take one pH fish... a nitrate fish... and 3rd one is 50% off? Ok, a phosphate fish too then."
Mr. Ugly said:
"I'll take one pH fish... a nitrate fish... and 3rd one is 50% off? Ok, a phosphate fish too then."

That would be useful.

Although currently, there are indicator fish that show when you have too much ammonia - they die.;)

The best info on Glofish and why CA doesn't allow them is on Glofish's website ;)

GloFish® in California

You may be wondering why GloFish® fluorescent fish are allowed everywhere in the United States except California.

As many people know, our fish received a positive recommendation from the California Department of Fish and Game in November 2003, and the California Fish & Game Commission voted to move forward with the process of exempting our fish from their ban on biotech aquatic organisms in April 2004. However, we were subsequently advised by Commission attorneys that state law in California would require the completion of a formal ecological review to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act before the Commission could move forward with the approval process. Unfortunately, this review would be extremely expensive, involve procedural uncertainty, and likely take several years to complete.

Due to the excessive cost and time involved in that process, as well as the uncertainty, we have decided not to engage the review. We regret this situation, but unfortunately cannot afford, at this time, to make the enormous investment necessary to perhaps be able to market our fish in California.

If you would like to contact the Commission to make your voice heard regarding this issue, please visit their website at, or contact them directly by phone at (916) 653-4899, by fax at (916) 653-5040, or by email at

Gomer said:
Gonzo said:
Can we drive to Oregon and have it shipped up there? :)
Sure, if you want to be involved in illegal activities ;)

Yeah but what's the chances of getting caught. I swear I came back from Canada, stopped in Washington to get some tasty cherries at a road side stand (a LOT of them) driving non-stop to California, I was eating cherries as the guy in the station was asking me if I had anything to declare, I simply said nope and he waved me through. They were some tasty cherries too, I would have stopped at the border just to finish them all if I had to :D
hehe.. .ok for sake of argument lets say you really were ignorant of the law (understanding its not an excuse :D), kind of like how many species of caulerpa are illegal to own/sell/trade/etc in California yet I've seen more than my fair share around just this tiny part of the state.

It was more a crack at those who supposedly try to prevent them from getting in here, than a how-to guide to get illegal goods here.
GM zebra fish haha. I remember one time Lucky Goldfish in Oakland ran out of feeder fish so they were selling baby zebra fish instead!