Mr. Seahorse
The tank is a 20 long from Aqueon. I've had it for a little over a year now.
5 months ago a disease infected the tank killing a Yasha goby (My Favorite fish), a new chalk bass, a YWG, a Spotinculus clownfish, and a Pair of Bangaii cardinals. After the tragic event I decided to go coral and invert only with the exception of a freshwater acclimated Silver Molly.
My current livestock is
A 2 inch Maxima clam (from Clearwater aquarium)
2 Tiger sand conchs
1 freshwater acclimated Silver Molly
1 Emerald crab
3 Blue legged Hermit crabs
5 Banded Trocus snails (Really cool)
2 Astrea snails
2 Nassarius snails
Rainbow acan
green Candy cane
Yellow Octospawn
4 Bicolor Hammers
6 Forest fire rhodactis mushrooms
Orange Yuma
Space invader chalice
Mummy eye chalice
10 big pieces of Atomic Broccoli Macroalgae (grew from a piece from CFM)
1 softball of Chaeto
I Appreciate recommendations on inverts!!
5 months ago a disease infected the tank killing a Yasha goby (My Favorite fish), a new chalk bass, a YWG, a Spotinculus clownfish, and a Pair of Bangaii cardinals. After the tragic event I decided to go coral and invert only with the exception of a freshwater acclimated Silver Molly.
My current livestock is
A 2 inch Maxima clam (from Clearwater aquarium)
2 Tiger sand conchs
1 freshwater acclimated Silver Molly
1 Emerald crab
3 Blue legged Hermit crabs
5 Banded Trocus snails (Really cool)
2 Astrea snails
2 Nassarius snails
Rainbow acan
green Candy cane
Yellow Octospawn
4 Bicolor Hammers
6 Forest fire rhodactis mushrooms
Orange Yuma
Space invader chalice
Mummy eye chalice
10 big pieces of Atomic Broccoli Macroalgae (grew from a piece from CFM)
1 softball of Chaeto
I Appreciate recommendations on inverts!!