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Will's 300g Re-Do

Doesn't the purple disco ball effect bother you when you're staring at your chaeto? Gotta get that kessil shimmer!

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10-fold difference in size and weight to fit inside your stand. Quieter operation. Reputable local reefing-oriented company with good customer service vs previously unknown Chinese brand.

Cost isn't the only factor that matters. I'm not saying anything is wrong with the Mars light (it gets great reviews, especially for growing pot lol), just that there are also legitimate reasons to spend more on the Kessil. It's a personal decision of how much you are willing to pay for the differential, or whether it seems like a waste of money to you personally.
The Kessil is indeed smaller.

My Mars Hydro has been dead quiet.

Kessil's parent company builds light for many different industries. And if I have my history correct, Kessil started making lights NOT for the reefing community but for the Horticulture industry. It's almost safe to say that is still their main focus.

Mars Hydro has a reefling light as well if I'm not wrong.

While cost is not the only factor, for the purpose of growing chaetomorpha, a green plant, both seem to do the job amazingly well. So the decision to NOT buy the Kessil for me was because size and shape are a non factor for me so cost was the only deciding factor.

But there is nothing wrong with buying a Kessil. I almost bought a H350. Because it's white instead of black.

Some people buy Ferraris, others buy Acura even if they could afford Ferraris. Different strokes.

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I still haven't had a chance to hook up the Mars light. But I started dosing low amounts of NoPox in the meantime and it looks like over the course of 9 days, NO3 has gone from 25-30 to 15. Of course I also tweaked my skimmer at the same time. If this stays the course, I will most likely take my biopellet reactor off line.
Yeah...just want to make sure that the NoPox effect sticks. Although, I honestly don't think my biopellet said are doing anything.

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Argh.... Looks like my Red Dragon may be RTN'ing. I had a small frag that I was going to bring to the frag swap that RTN'd and my colony has spots of RTN as well. This is one sensitive species! My water temp has been hovering 80.5 to 81 for the last 5 days from the heat wave vs 78.5-79.5 that it had been running this summer. My nitrates have also come down over an 8d period. So...maybe those changes were enough for it not to be happy?
Well...it's official.... my CITR Red Dragon RTNd completely in about 36h.....

From this

To this

I've now sworn off red dragons!
My nitrates are down to 8 as of yesterday. I do wonder if they came down too fast (a couple of weeks). And now I have read that that can affect potassium levels. Has anyone experienced this? Is this something I should worry about and test for?