Cali Kid Corals

Will's 300g Re-Do

NOPOX is incredibly easy and effective. Like magic for reducing NO3 and PO4. Much more effective and straightforward than biopellets in my experience. I haven't had any negative side effects that I can see. The directions are dramatically easier to follow than the other various carbon dosing regimens I've seen out there, presumably due of a better safety profile or just more research. The only problem is that it may reduce your levels too much so you have to test often until it is dialed in.
I'd try a fuge since it's much more natural than dosing chemicals (like we don't do enough of that already). I was pretty surprised how effective the chaeto was. I had no3 and po4 levels that were undetectable for quite a while until I wanted to raise them intentionally and was successful by doubling my food and cutting my chaeto in half.
I don't have much sand for the size of the tank and I have a sand sifting goby that keeps it pretty clean. I have decided to cut my feeding for awhile and increase the lighting in my fuge to see if my macro can really take off.

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Well maybe it's time to upgrade it. Up until 2y ago I was using a CFL for my füge light. [emoji23]

I have seen the mars aqua light has been recommended on the build forums. I don't see a $69 version.

Are these the ones?
