Reef nutrition

Yellow clown goby - free pickup in San Jose


Supporting Member
Warning: he chewed one of my acro frags. If you have SPS in the destination tank, this is not the fish for you. I was hoping that I'd get lucky with biting, but evidently not. He will fit in perfectly and live a good life in a softy tank. These fish make nests in SPS in the wild, and won't bother other corals. He is very cute but bites sps

I'm also struggling to feed the dude. He alternates between eating and spitting, and losing interest whatsoever. I've only tried with pellet so far though. He has a small mouth

I think this dude is only really ideal for a nano, softy/lps tank. Any larger and you won't see him at all

Any tips on catching him out? He just goes into the SPS or behind rocks and I can't get at him. I even tried siphoning him out with a tube, but I think my tube is too narrow (flow too weak)
Any tips on catching him out? He just goes into the SPS or behind rocks and I can't get at him. I even tried siphoning him out with a tube, but I think my tube is too narrow (flow too weak)
Get a 100gal rubbermaid with heat and flow, drain the tank about 60%, pull half the rocks out into the Rubbermaid, shoo the fish into the side without rocks, drop a perfectly sized egg crate to trap him, net him out, drop him on the floor, then get him into a bucket.

At least that’s how I always have to do it, lol - I don’t know how people have luck with fish traps.

It takes 4-5 beers but works 100% of the time!
Mine is taunting me right now. Every time i look at the tank he's on top of my coral. When I go to catch him, I don't even know where he goes
Oh man, that's a small fish to try and get in a tank full of his favorite snack. Good on you for trying and caring, but that seems like it's going to be a nightmare to catch.

I wonder if a shop vac would work. Ideally with some foam in the end so he doesn't get smashed against the inside.
Oh man, that's a small fish to try and get in a tank full of his favorite snack. Good on you for trying and caring, but that seems like it's going to be a nightmare to catch.

I wonder if a shop vac would work. Ideally with some foam in the end so he doesn't get smashed against the inside.
Shop vac sounds nightmarish for the fish, and I think the nozzle would be bulky enough that I might damage the corals too.

I spent an hour trying already, I got him to sit on the net one time, but the net was under a bunch of corals and I couldn't just pull up

This is gonna be a long, effort-filled couple days as I try to get at this fish. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, because I haven't seen him expressly interested in food.

I don't want to lose my acros, but I also don't want to lose this fish.
Hands down one of my favorite fish! Contemplating getting one this time around. Gonna get a couple of larger fish, I dont think he will get eaten, but afraid he might get bullied. We’ll see
Mine is taunting me right now. Every time i look at the tank he's on top of my coral. When I go to catch him, I don't even know where he goes
They are so funny! Mine from years ago would always greet me when I came to the tank, and i would catch him sticking to the glass just getting blasted by high flow pretty often lmao
Ive had the best of luck using any squarish clear container in the corner bottom of tank then chase fish into it and quickly block the opening.. Fish just don’t see any clear container use a rock or magnet to keep container down..
Or try a larger diameter hose at least 1 inch to the sump/sock late at night use a red light so you don’t spook..Drink in hand other on string fish trap down low with mirror or sps/pocillopora frag as bait! Or as above drain tank chasing with 1 inch hose.
I’m going to try with a thicker tube, and if that doesn’t work in a few tries I think i’ll procrastinate on this for a few more days and end up dismantling the tank a little

In all seriousness - it would be very easy in a tank your size. It's a bit of work, but it's also really safe and really effective. It's not my favorite thing to do, but sometimes it must be done.
I might apply Derek’s beer method to catch the cleaner shrimp in my nano tank. This guy just won't want to come out the normal way so I can move him to the other tank.
Cleaner shrimps have been easy for me. Hand feed them for a week and when they trust you enough to come to your hand, that’s your chance to betray their trust and net them
How do you sleep at night?
Although morally questionable, it does seem to be a pragmatic way to get them out compared to dropping 4-5 beer into the tank…but maybe I misunderstood.