Reef nutrition

Holiday Potluck, Rich Ross talk, mini frag swap, 12/7


Past President
The Holidays are right around the corner, and our annual December Holiday Potluck will be Saturday, December 7, at Phuong’s house (@roostertech) in Fremont, like last year. 12-4p. Please RSVP to this thread.

1) For the lunch potluck, please let us know in this thread what you are bringing and I’ll update the post below.

2) Rich Ross will join and discuss reefing with us (topic TBD). He’s always informative and entertaining!

3) Just for fun we wanted to try out a mini frag swap at the potluck, details to follow.

4) We will also be taking care of some club business towards the end of the meeting. Topics to include selection of the Board of Directors for 2020, and what you would like to see from BAR in 2020. We’ll start a separate thread for discussion and volunteers/nominations.

The event is free (of course) for Supporting members and their guests.

Address will be posted closer to the date.

I hope to see everyone there :)
RSVP and what everyone is bringing (I will update)-

@Thales - Knowledge/entertainment
@JVU - Disposible plates/cups/utensils/napkins, beer
@glee +2 - Guacamole and chips
@sfsuphysics - Chili
@rygh - Pizza sliders
@treylane +1 - Salad
@Rostato +2 - Brownies
@Alexx - Beer
@Coral reefer - Food or drink TBD
@Mozby - Chicken nuggets
@jccaclimber - Lemonade
@2manyhobbies - Potato salad
@MarAquatic +1 - Pizza
@jonah427 - Beer or cider
@dswong01 - Dessert
@Scott Sweet
@WAR5150 - Buffalo dip and chips
@Corallus - Dessert
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Fragmeister Mike here, this is going to be a special holiday version of a frag swap and here’s the rules and regulations you need to know. This is completely voluntary, the potluck and talk by Rich Ross are the main event.

Requirement 1 : You need to bring something for the potluck. Doesn’t have to be something homemade, can be something as simple as a bag of chips, a box of cookies, whatever.

Requirement 2 : You bring ONE frag of something, in a container with the name of said frag written on the container, and that’s it.

The frag that you bring should be something that you yourself would want to take home, so bring something nice, something healthy, something without pests. We don’t want to see a coral that looks like you ripped it right off the rock (soft coral) 2 minutes before you left, or fished it out from behind some rocks where it’s half dead or brown, or sprouting aiptasia or other nasty pests on it, if you can’t do that then we honestly do not want you bringing the coral. This is meant to spread holiday joy, not pests, frustration and anger. So do your club a solid, find one of your best fragable coral you have in your tank and bring that, then realize not everyone may have something as nice as what you brought and enjoy the food and talk, we’re trying to have fun not get rich from our take home.

Standard do not bring list includes green star polyps, anthella, xenia, brown palythoas, brown polyped leathers, or brown corals in general, colt coral, Kenya tree, encrusting gorgonian. Let’s just keep this to corals, with no “freebee” table or other things that need to be cleaned up after, if you have free stuff to bring make an announcement asking if anyone wants it and you can prearrange that stuff.

Picking order, and format, will be decided the day of the event based on the number of participants and the fact you’ll only have one picking turn. But do note if I see any crowding to the “front of the line” to try and be the first one to pick, I’ll invoke Grinch Rules #28c and make the picking start from the other end of the line :)
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Well I'll get the crock pot out and whip up a batch of chili

wife and kid are questionable, especially if I need to carpool, and honestly depends on whether or not she cares to go.
I will be there.
Food will depend on what I can convince the wife to cook.
Probably bring a big hunk of branching hammer.
I will not commit to bringing anything as my attendance like all things are determined last minute these days. I will bring coral and food or drink if I make it which I plan to do.