Reef nutrition

Coral reefer’s 360 gal system. 225 display and frag tanks

I just ordered some sodium nitrate to dose. I’m not sure if you have room for another doser though

Ill never dose that stuff. I just started to feed the corals a lot more oyster feast, and made the skimmer skim more dry instead. I will never add nitrate and phosphate to my tank directly. That stuff scares me. I'd prefer to naturally do things. And my corals have loved the extra food. My wallet? not so much. That stuff ain't cheap. I'm also going to get some clams from the store, freeze them and feed the whole thing to the tank once a week. That should do it.
Are things looking bad? I wish I had more than 1-2ppm nitrate
No. Things look good. Acros have been doing great. Just seeing if I can lower to more like 10-15 ideally. It’s been this way for quite some time. At least a year. Might be a case of it ain’t broke so I shouldn’t “fix” it. Hopefully not.
No. Things look good. Acros have been doing great. Just seeing if I can lower to more like 10-15 ideally. It’s been this way for quite some time. At least a year. Might be a case of it ain’t broke so I shouldn’t “fix” it. Hopefully not.

Yeah I’d leave it alone if it’s been there and stable for a long time. Too scary to me to make changes like that.
I considered finally setting up a refugium, but don’t have a great space or a good tank to do it in. This just seemed easier. I have been dosing vinegar in a few clients tanks with no negative problems for a year or two now. We will see how it goes.
I considered finally setting up a refugium, but don’t have a great space or a good tank to do it in. This just seemed easier. I have been dosing vinegar in a few clients tanks with no negative problems for a year or two now. We will see how it goes.
You could probably drill the acrylic sump from the frag tank I traded you and make that a fuge, or just have a pump in the return chamber that pushes water to a tank that then just overflows back into the fuge. Not sure if there is room for that though
I considered finally setting up a refugium, but don’t have a great space or a good tank to do it in.
You could probably drill the acrylic sump from the frag tank I traded you and make that a fuge, or just have a pump in the return chamber that pushes water to a tank that then just overflows back into the fuge. Not sure if there is room for that though
i gave away the sump and don’t have a good space to put it. I’ve thought about it for sure. This is just a lot easier.
Media reactor with leds wrapped around it like @ofzakaria did for his 25g maybe? Breeder box in the sump with chaeto and a submersable light like the one from tunze?
Using a large reactor is very effective if you do not have a space for sump.
The rractor am using is 3L and I. The past I had even bigger where I put roc rubble and chaetos. Effective and versatile
Media reactor with leds wrapped around it like @ofzakaria did for his 25g maybe? Breeder box in the sump with chaeto and a submersable light like the one from tunze?
Reactor is a Pain in the ass to open and clean, takes up some space, needs flow through it, and uses more electricity. Nah.
I don’t want light spill in the sump growing algae down there.
Using a large reactor is very effective if you do not have a space for sump.
The rractor am using is 3L and I. The past I had even bigger where I put roc rubble and chaetos. Effective and versatile
I don’t doubt that it works, I just don’t wanna deal with it or spend money for the lights.