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Coral reefer’s 360 gal system. 225 display and frag tanks

I didn’t end up using it in my tank, I just dipped affected corals in FWE. But the tips I read online were to use it following package instructions, then be prepared to do a large water change and run carbon to handle the dying worms producing toxins. If you want any to skew the dosage You can figure out the dosage required for the specific FW you have by putting an impacted coral in a 1 gal container of S.W., then drop the FWE in until you see them die and then you have the concentration required for your specific FW
That test idea is smart!
The whole package is pretty much perfect for my system, so I’m just gonna use it and see if it works. If not I’ll do the test before I try again another time
Used fwe before a few times on various tanks. Testing is good to see if they are in fact planeria and yeah to figure dosage although I go on the high side.

Step 1 siphon as many as you can out manually, as there easily can be many more than what you see. They do release a toxin when they die and can visibly turn your water reddish.

Step 2 wait, a bit. You should see them visibly distressed, they should detatch from where they are hanging onto, sometimes leaving a long string that I have no idea why, if you can try to fish them out or siphon here as well.

When all is said and done after 30 to 60 minutes I think turn your skimmer back on, run carbon, and do a big water change especially if you have plague levels of them.
It Says leave skimmer on, but no uv or carbon.
I don’t have plague levels, but I’d rather have none, or at least less...
I got what I could easily get out and just dosed the whole package. Hope it works!
Definitely saw lots of red planaria moving around and seeming agitated. Some were floating dead in the water column. Maybe I didn’t use enough, maybe they take a bit to die? Packed my tlf 550 reactor with carbon and did a 1/3 water change after about 70 min. Guess I’ll do it again with 1.5 packs in a bit.
When I dosed mine, the initial dose wasn't enough to start killing the flatworms.
I followed the instructions and added 50% more and that did the trick.
Then I dosed again a week afterwards and saw minimal flatworms.

Good luck!
It killed some, just not all. Oh well. Rather go slow and have to do it again than use too much the first time. 1 pound of carbon per 50 gal is a ridiculous amount though.
Maybe because the FWE hasn't changed their directions in 20 years and considering the level of coconut shell stuff that typically was run passively in a bag that they used back then maybe it was the solution? Or perhaps it's a being cautious thing with the toxins that get released. Either way, I've run it on a tank without any carbon at all when there weren't very many, so I do think its more of a precaution than an absolute necessity.
i think the reason for the second dose is, like all pests unfortunately, they lay eggs, and the dip/medication/etc only works on non eggs.
Yes, you must eliminate the younglings as well