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3/25 Frag Swap Volunteer List


Facilities, Events, LFS Partnership
Looking for volunteers to help with our upcoming Frag Swap on 3/25 at Garden Alameda. Please refer to the original post about the swap for more details.

Positions we need help with:

Setup (4) 10:30-11:30 - Setting up the tables, chairs, and all the BAR stuff. Includes various things like frag table signs, registration stuff, raffle stuff, BAR outreach table stuff, etc. Whatever is needed.

Registration (2) 11:00-12:00 - Greeting, name tags, picking letter assignments, verifying 3 corals brought or bought.

Coral runners (2) 11:00-12:00 - Checking coral labels/containers, sorting the corals by type, and placing on the swap tables.

Frag Swap patrol/round barker (2) 12:00-3:00 - Keep track of (and announcing) which lettered swap group is up, which is next, time for the round, and that people are following the picking rules.

Raffle coordinator (2) 11:00-2:00ish - Organize display of the raffle items, sell raffle tickets, help people with questions, and run the raffle part around half way through the swapping rounds.

Photographer (1) 12:00-3:00 - Take some pictures of the various aspects of the event and post on the site later. Does not require a special camera or special experience. Anyone with interest and at least a modern camera phone.

Clean up (4) 3:00ish to when done - Generally goes pretty quickly when multiple people are helping.

Post if you can help and what position you’d like to do or can’t do. I’ll fill in below as we go.

Organizer: @Srt4eric
Setup (4): @Darkxerox @JVU @Invictus @bayareabeginnerreef
Registration (2): @Finnaddict @macntosreefs
Coral Runners (2): @B the Nano Reefer @Arvin R
Frag Swap Patrol/Round Barkers (2): @Apon @dswong01
Raffle Coordinators (2):
Photographer (1): @Gabtron92
Clean up (4): @Michael Hans @JVU @divewsharks @Meshmez
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