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Just had a Goby jump through 10mm mesh cover at night. Recommendations for tank covers


Supporting Member
Hello Everyone,
My daughter has had a 10mm mesh over her tank and it has worked until a goby was able to get through it at night. Any recommendations for a better tank cover?
Thank You


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I had a Blue-Spotted Goby do the same thing (1/4" Innovative Marine top) three weeks ago. He lasted less than a day in the tank (and was expensive!)

Honestly unless you're going to go with any acrylic top (which then requires properly configuring your sump for much more water agitation and oxygen) the only suggestion I have is to get a second piece of mesh just to lay across the top particularly when new fish are introduced. Gobies, wrasses, etc are most at risk early on when they are newer in the tank and their flight path tends to be straight up. Eventually they will find hidey-holes that they will head towards, but there's always a risk.
I had a Blue-Spotted Goby do the same thing (1/4" Innovative Marine top) three weeks ago. He lasted less than a day in the tank (and was expensive!)

Honestly unless you're going to go with any acrylic top (which then requires properly configuring your sump for much more water agitation and oxygen) the only suggestion I have is to get a second piece of mesh just to lay across the top particularly when new fish are introduced. Gobies, wrasses, etc are most at risk early on when they are newer in the tank and their flight path tends to be straight up. Eventually they will find hidey-holes that they will head towards, but there's always a risk.
She has an Innovative Marine and the top is made for the tank. I measured it and it was 10mm mesh. I just ordered 1/4 mesh to replace the mesh with which is 6.35mm mesh. Don't know how it could get through 1/4 that is pretty small. I guess I could look for even a finer mesh? I just found 1/8 inch mesh from Bulk Reef Supply but it is $8 for shipping. Cheaper than losing another fish. Too back I don't need anything else from them. I bought stuff during their Christmas sales event.
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Back in the day. People use to use window screen mesh but it really cut down on light penetration. I’ve had fish jump through the 1/4”. Unfortunately you gotta come to a happy medium.
Now I just run a canopy or lower water line with acrylic sheet
Back in the day. People use to use window screen mesh but it really cut down on light penetration. I’ve had fish jump through the 1/4”. Unfortunately you gotta come to a happy medium.
Now I just run a canopy or lower water line with acrylic sheet
Bulk Reef Supply has 1/8" mesh. I am going to order that. Problem is it is more than I can use. Maybe I can sell the excess on here because I cannot be the only person having this issue. I will by the big roll and see if anyone wants to go in on some of it. I cannot imagine a fish getting through 1/8 mesh.
I ordered 6.5x6.5' 1/8" clear mesh from Bulk Reef Supply. $24+$8Shipping +$3 tax. If anyone is interest in some let me know. I live in Pleasanton CA. I only need 15x15" and maybe a second piece for backup if that ever breaks. Let me know if your interested in buying some. I will have it in about a week..