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Recent content by MarcosD

  1. MarcosD

    Eric's 125 build.

    I need to step up my photography game
  2. MarcosD

    IM 112INT Tank Build

    How long did it take for your biota yellow tang to color up?
  3. MarcosD

    [Guide] Image or Looping GIF in Signature

    I wish more people put a face to the name!
  4. MarcosD

    Derek's 225g - Magnifica / SPS Reef

    Cool I’ll give it a try. I’ll try to make two if there’s enough time
  5. MarcosD

    Derek's 225g - Magnifica / SPS Reef

    If you find a file let me know and I can’t print it for you. Although I probably wouldn’t be able to print many before tomorrow considering they take a decent amount of time each to print
  6. MarcosD

    MD’s 45 Gallon Frag Tank

    Finally got the aluminum light mount setup with the 3D printed brackets from FishofHex. Travis the guy who runs it makes some good content on YouTube and has some pretty extensive reviews on the Nicrew lights and one of the reasons I went with them so felt good to support. I did mess up and get...
  7. MarcosD

    New to BAR, Hello from San Jose area!

    Welcome! Love your torch and hammer gardens! :)
  8. MarcosD

    Galoot’s super budget build 2025

    You got the Tenecor DIY Pico and the DIY ATO Resovoir! Sad they closed up shop
  9. MarcosD

    Featured Workshop discussion thread.

    A Hydros workshop would be cool!
  10. MarcosD

    DBTC: UC Japanese Koji Wada Pink Nepthea

    I made a journal update. This post was automatically created by BARcode
  11. MarcosD

    DIY lid

    The IM one looks nice too. The 76 I bought came with one
  12. MarcosD

    DIY lid

    Btw I read somewhere egg crate will cause a lot of PAR loss so you’ll have to turn up your lights. Have never used it before but just keep that in mind
  13. MarcosD

    DIY lid

    Are they bad or something? That’s what I used
  14. MarcosD

    DIY lid

    I built mine using this window frame kit and clear 1/8” netting I bought from BRS for my lid. Mine just sits on top of my 3/4” acrylic panels but @Arvin R idea with the tabs so it sits flush is genius...
  15. MarcosD

    Just saw this on Facebook. 50% off fish

    I’ve actually met a lot surprisingly. I mean I was in the hobby for almost two years before I heard about BAR