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Help, Tank transfer. Tank dimensions.


Supporting Member
I need to move my tank from 1 spot to another.

The new spot of where I'd like to move the spot measures 54"Long & 21~22"Wide.
Must be a peninsula.
Anyone know a tank that come it that size roughly? Would be extremely helpful!

Thank you in advance.
Your probably looking at having to get something custom made most likely if looking for something already on the market in the specified size range.
Unless your prepared for something much smaller

The 21-22 inch wide is a issue. Would have space available for you to be able to open cabinet to adjust or clean sump area?

Also how many gallons and what are measurements of your tank in the picture it looks huge.

Here is a aquarium size calcaulator you can play with numbers to figure out potential gallons for a reef tank you would want. To help you search for tank size to see if such a tank exisits
I had considered this tank before when looking at peninsulas. Aqua Japan Pro 85 has close to the specs. 47.24L" x 17.72"W x 23.62"H 85 Gallons. Not a true peninsula but with a corner overflow it can be run like one. It only has one drain and return hole in the overflow btw.

Aqua Lab Aquaria in San Jose carries the.

Standard Aqueon 75 gallon is another option but you'll have to drill for an overflow.
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You could always talk to Crystal dynamics, look at getting something made.
That’s damn near the dimensions of my tank, dude.
I think CDA is out of business now, unfortunately.


If your not opposed to acrylic aquariums a few members here recently got a few custom tanks made that look great. I think the prices they mentioned weren’t that bad either.

If you increased depth of tank you could also increased gallon volume. Something that would be a challenge to give up assuming your're use to having a larger tank like in your picutures.

With more depth a 150-180 Gallon tanks wouldn't be outta reach with your space limitations.

They also build sumps, ato reservoirs, dosing containers, lids and almost anything you can dream up. So you could possibly get a better deal from them if you order more.
I think CDA is out of business now, unfortunately.

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Yeah I got nothing but crickets from them a few months ago after getting their contact info from Robert. I guess that confirms it.

The Waterbox 4280 should fit. A little shorter than you have but it's the only peninsula I could find with the right width. The prostar 90 is a little narrower but would fit.
Reefer 500 is what I have and is almost those dimensions. 48x23.6

Make sure to account for the dimensions of being able to open the doors (the reefer stand can be setup to open either way), the rear overflow piping, and the stand height. I assume that tank height is slightly less important than the height of the top of the tank, which will be mostly driven by the stand height.

The nice thing about the red sea is you can, if you want, just spec it out with all the red sea equipment and be done with setup. The nice thing about the waterbox 4820 is it's less glass to clean, which I assume is helpful in what appears to be a restaurant or bar situation. It also has an AL stand which I might trust more than a bunch of randoms running into a red sea stand.