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  1. IOnceWasLegend

    "The Lab" - Josh and Tiffany's IM Nuvo EXT 200

    It's from the Trident. It automatically logs your test results whenever it tests (in my case, 4x/day).
  2. IOnceWasLegend

    "The Lab" - Josh and Tiffany's IM Nuvo EXT 200

    5-6-2024 Ignoring the testing reagent change + subsequent calibration...that's some mighty fine alk stability.
  3. IOnceWasLegend

    CBB eating tips?

    :-/ @Chrism1330 Keep us posted on how your CBB is doing, fingers crossed for you.
  4. IOnceWasLegend

    Bonus/ultra corals for the 6/1 frag swap: what will you be bringing?

    Trying something new, and bringing a bit of awareness to what people are bringing to our upcoming frag swap! I'll be bringing either one or two heads of dragon soul torch, and either one or two heads of purple torch. How about you all?
  5. IOnceWasLegend

    CBB eating tips?

    There's also this available from Amazon to get it in a couple days if none of the LFS have it: https://www.amazon.com/Easy-Reefs-Masstick-Marine-Fish/dp/B06X94D29L/ref=asc_df_B06WP6V3QN
  6. IOnceWasLegend

    CBB eating tips?

    Yeah, that's bull(expletive deleted). Some of them you can train by starting with extremely high-value foods like live blackworms or live white worms, but that's a bit difficult to do long-term and you have to hope they transition to easier-to-prepare foods. If Kenny at High Tide sells it I'd...
  7. IOnceWasLegend

    My First CFM!

    You're superman for only going that little over budget!
  8. IOnceWasLegend

    CBB eating tips?

    Seconding this, as well as trying masstick as well if that doesn't work.
  9. IOnceWasLegend

    Caption this:

    Exhibit 4,327 of 'Why not to buy Red Sea'.
  10. IOnceWasLegend

    "The Lab" - Josh and Tiffany's IM Nuvo EXT 200

    4-29-24 Photo dump.
  11. IOnceWasLegend

    FREE 24' LPS Growout Contest - Dragon Soul Favia

    April update. Made it through my QT system and is in the display tank now.
  12. IOnceWasLegend

    Antibiotic Dipping Routine

    Given how much of a heavy hitter is, I'd be very leery about the potential long-term effects of using a broad-spectrum antibiotic re: antibiotic resistance, especially in a closed system like a reef tank.
  13. IOnceWasLegend

    Reef 3D printing request thread

    Sure; if you have the print file, happy to make a few.
  14. IOnceWasLegend

    Unreleased Hydros Maven

    It'll be interesting to watch for accuracy and longer term issues.
  15. IOnceWasLegend

    Unreleased Hydros Maven

    My plan is to use the Maven as a bellwether. If I like the ecosystem/etc enough, I'll make the switch.
  16. IOnceWasLegend

    Unreleased Hydros Maven

    Sold, pretty much
  17. IOnceWasLegend

    thephoreefer’s Torch Guide

    [Citation needed]
  18. IOnceWasLegend

    thephoreefer’s Torch Guide

    @thephoreefer Aminos may be a no go, but do you do coral feedings with oyster feast, ROE, etc? Also, to add to your hardy torches section: dragon tamer. I wish I did not find this out, but they're even hardier than my dragon souls.
  19. IOnceWasLegend

    And so it begins again - Nemesis Tank

    Nem tank, I'm assuming? :) It'll look awesome!
  20. IOnceWasLegend

    "The Lab" - Josh and Tiffany's IM Nuvo EXT 200

    Yeah, I'm not super concerned about bumping it up, just don't want to shock anything doing it suddenly. I'll probably raise it by 5%/week until I'm happy or my acros start crying.