Neptune Aquatics

Antibiotic Dipping Routine


Supporting Member
I've been dipping using Bayer and Coral RX, but with all the Euphyllia I've lost due to bacterial infection, I want to try something different.

I want to incorporate some sort of anti-bacterial into my dipping regimine and oxolinic acid seems to be a good candidate. Chummingham's reef mentions using it in this video (
) and there is this coral dip article from Michael Paletta ( that uses oxolinic acid (potassium nitrate, Lugol's iodine, Melafix, Revive, and oxolinic acid).

Anyone incorporate oxolinic acid or another type of antibiotic into their dipping regimine?
I just use Reef Primer. I'd rather not kill off and the beneficial bacteria that live in around the corals when I get them in.
Your tank has plenty to replace them with.
That's assuming your tank has a healthy microbiome and isn't full of pathogenic bacteria. You could just as likely trigger dysbiosis on a perfectly healthy coral and its holobiont. Definitely read a lot of the new articles being posted in the last couple years.
