Cali Kid Corals

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  1. Lullaby

    Inkbird Wifi

    I just received my Inkbird ITC-308 Wifi units! I'm so excited. I replaced the old Jagers in all my tanks with Finnex units with controllers, but this will make me feel even better about leaving the house, lol. Does anyone have experience with the wifi models in particular? I'll be able to set...
  2. Lullaby


    This is absolutely amazing, I love seeing the progress photos. Congrats on the labor of love, your hard work is already paying off!
  3. Lullaby

    Free stuff in SJ or PA

    I could really use the Python and Frag Rack! If there’s a power head suitable for a 10g I’d also love one of those.
  4. Lullaby

    IM Nuvo Fusion AIO 10g (Clarkii Pair)

    The stand I use for the two 10g AIOs and their respective 5g ATO reservoirs can be found at PetSmart here for about 300 dollars. I was able to fit it in my Elantra and bring it home same day, so I’d wager most cars can handle it. Otherwise, I know they ship, too. I honestly feel it’s sturdy...
  5. Lullaby

    IM Nuvo Fusion AIO 10g (Clarkii Pair)

    Look who came out to say hi this morning for the AYCE buffet of Mysis and Spirulina! I hear his pistol crackin’ buddy a few times a day, which I’m grateful for. It lets me know they’re still around and kicking if the Goby takes a vacation :)
  6. Lullaby

    IM Nuvo Fusion AIO 10g (Ultimate Snowflake Breeding Pair)

    The cords might look messy but I definitely know what goes to what, I might go further and organize them again when I move the Red Sea 130D. Super happy with the two tanks on the same stand. It’s from Petco, but I don’t recommend putting any more weight than like a 25g on the top shelf where the...
  7. Lullaby

    IM Nuvo Fusion AIO 10g (Ultimate Snowflake Breeding Pair)

    Thank you lots for the ID! I nor the person I bought it from had any idea what kind of Acan it was, but I think you're dead on. In different lighting it definitely pops like some of the ones I referenced from TCK's website. Dang, he just tossed it in for me because I really liked it, too! I'll...
  8. Lullaby

    IM Nuvo Fusion AIO 10g (Ultimate Snowflake Breeding Pair)

    Yeah, this isn’t my favorite situation ever. They were all fine together until I did my weekly 10% water change. The only variable that was changed was the salt mix, from the orange bag to Red Sea 8.
  9. Lullaby

    34G Red Sea Max 130D (Live Rock Tank)

    YES! You are correct, I really appreciate the information, thank you lots. I thought it looked slightly different but couldn't quite figure out why. I'll have to grab a spare now.
  10. Lullaby

    6/1 frag swap volunteer thread

    Now that I've gotten a bit more of a handle on how these frag swaps work, I'd love to also volunteer for set up as well. :)
  11. Lullaby

    34G Red Sea Max 130D (Live Rock Tank)

    Type 1101.301 Series 14082 400-800gph I struggled to find the type/series online. It works as an external or internal pump. EDIT: It appears to be a 1048 - I think I answered my own question. DuckDuckGo does not seem to yield very accurate results for searching model/serial/etc. I used Google...
  12. Lullaby

    Bonus/ultra corals for the 6/1 frag swap: what will you be bringing?

    Honestly, I'm just after a few corals to take for the swap to meet the requirements. It'll be my first swap, so I wanted to make sure I don't come empty handed or too light on corals. My only other entry would be some BTAs and potentially some Kryptonite Candy Canes.
  13. Lullaby

    Bonus/ultra corals for the 6/1 frag swap: what will you be bringing?

    I'm planning on bringing a frag of Biota Palau Bicolor Hammer Coral, and if anyone's interested I'd love to swap a frag for some others to take to the swap! EDIT: a photo of the mother in display tank.
  14. Lullaby

    34G Red Sea Max 130D (Live Rock Tank)

    This will be a log of what I do with this darn Red Sea tank. It's a 34g display with a 12g sump (Eshopps RS-75 sump), filled to the brim with ROCKS. It's set up with an Eheim Professionel 4+ canister filter while I patiently await my U-tube delivery. I cannot use my sump until it arrives, and...
  15. Lullaby

    IM Nuvo Fusion AIO 10g (Ultimate Snowflake Breeding Pair)

    This tank is about 10 years old. I bought this from someone whose parrots kept drinking the tank water and would not stop. Tank is an Innovative Marine Nuvo Fusion AIO 10g, Kessil 350W Tuna Blue with gooseneck mount, Eshopps Nano Protein Skimmer 10-15gal, Eheim Jager 50w (Finnex 50w...
  16. Lullaby

    IM Nuvo Fusion AIO 10g (Clarkii Pair)

    I'm still not sure how I'm going to format these journals, but time will tell. This tank was gifted to me by a friend who I got into both fresh and saltwater - with her increasing and shifting life responsibilities, she believed that I would be able to take care of her babies. Tank is an...